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CyMaIS Role

🚀 CyMaIS - Centralized Management and Integration System for Snipe-IT

About 📖

This role provides an automated deployment and configuration for Snipe-IT, an open-source asset management system. It leverages Docker Compose, Ansible, and centralized database integration to streamline deployment and maintenance.

👤 Author: Kevin Veen-Birkenbach
🔗 Website: veen.world


  • Automated setup using Docker Compose 🐳
  • Centralized MariaDB database support 🛢️
  • Secure environment configurations 🔐
  • Configurable SMTP email settings 📧
  • SAML Authentication Support (Pending Fix) 🔐
  • Redis Caching for improved performance

Administration 🛠️

Clear and restart the application:

docker-compose exec application php artisan config:clear
docker-compose exec application php artisan cache:clear
docker-compose restart application


  • Database: The role supports MariaDB as the primary database.
  • Environment Variables: Defined in templates/env.j2.
  • Nginx Proxy Support: Automated through nginx-docker-proxy-domain.yml.

Pending Issue 🚧

To ensure full SAML authentication integration, this issue still needs to be resolved:
🔗 GitHub Issue #16186

Additional Resources 📚

For more details, visit the official documentation and related links:

🚀 Happy Deploying! 🏗️