5.2 KiB


Modify Config 🔧

Enter the Container

docker-compose exec -it application /bin/sh

Modify the Configuration

Inside the container, install a text editor and edit the config:

apk add --no-cache nano && nano config/config.php

Update 🔄

To update the Nextcloud container, execute the following commands on the server:

docker exec -it -u www-data nextcloud-application /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --on &&
docker-compose down

Afterwards, update the applications.nextcloud.version variable to the next version and run this repository with this Ansible role.

It is only possible to update from one to the next major version at a time.
Wait for the update to finish.

Verify the update by checking the logs:

docker-compose logs application


docker-compose exec -it application top

If Nextcloud remains in maintenance mode after the update, try the following:

docker exec -it -u www-data nextcloud-application/var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --on
docker exec -it -u www-data nextcloud-application /var/www/html/occ upgrade
docker exec -it -u www-data nextcloud-application /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --off

If the update process fails, execute:

docker exec -it -u www-data nextcloud-application /var/www/html/occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive

and disable any non-functioning apps.

Recover Latest Backup 💾

cd {{path_docker_compose_instances}}nextcloud &&
docker-compose down &&
docker-compose exec -i database mysql -u nextcloud -pPASSWORT nextcloud < "/Backups/$(sha256sum /etc/machine-id | head -c 64)/backup-docker-to-local/latest/nextcloud_database/sql/backup.sql" &&
cd {{path_administrator_scripts}}backup-docker-to-local &&
bash ./recover-docker-from-local.sh "nextcloud_data" "$(sha256sum /etc/machine-id | head -c 64)"

Database Management 🗄️

Database Access

To access the database, execute:

docker-compose exec -it database mysql -u nextcloud -D nextcloud -p

Recreate Database with New Volume

docker-compose run --detach --name database --env MYSQL_USER="nextcloud" --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=PASSWORD --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=PASSWORD --env MYSQL_DATABASE="nextcloud" -v nextcloud_database:/var/lib/mysql

OCC (Nextcloud Command Line) 🔧

To use OCC, run:

docker-compose exec -it -u www-data application /var/www/html/occ

User Administration

List Users

docker compose exec -it -u www-data application php occ user:list

Sync Users

docker compose exec -it -u www-data application php occ user:sync

Create user via CLI

docker compose exec -it -u www-data application php occ user:add {{username}}

Make user admin via cli

docker compose exec -it -u www-data application php occ group:adduser admin {{username}}

Delete user via CLI

docker compose exec -it -u www-data application php occ user:delete {{username}}

App Administration

docker compose exec -u www-data application php occ config:list {{app_name}}

Initialize Duplicates

docker-compose exec -it -u www-data application /var/www/html/occ duplicates:find-all --output

Unlock Files

docker-compose exec -it -u www-data application /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --on
docker-compose exec -it nextcloud_database_1 mysql -u nextcloud -pPASSWORD1234132 -D nextcloud -e "delete from oc_file_locks where 1"
docker-compose exec -it -u www-data application /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --off


App Relevant Tables 🗃️

  • oc_appconfig
  • oc_migrations


Relevant SQL Commands for Cospend

Debugguging Migrations:


-- Show all Cospend Tables
SHOW TABLES where Tables_in_nextcloud LIKE "%cospend%";
-- Show Cospend Configuration
SELECT * FROM `oc_appconfig` WHERE appid LIKE "%cospend%";
-- Show Cospend Database Migrations 
SELECT * FROM `oc_migrations` WHERE app LIKE "%cospend%";


IAM(Identity and Access Management) is setup via Keycloak and LDAP.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) Support 🔐

OIDC is supported in this role—for example, via Keycloak. OIDC-specific tasks are included when enabled, allowing integration of external authentication providers seamlessly.

Verify OIDC Configuration

docker compose exec -u www-data application /var/www/html/occ config:app:get sociallogin custom_providers


More information: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_user/user_auth_ldap.html

Get all relevant entries except password

SELECT * FROM `oc_appconfig` WHERE appid LIKE "%ldap%" and configkey != "s01ldap_agent_password";

Update User with LDAP values

docker compose exec -it -u www-data application php occ ldap:check-user --update {{username}}


If users are just created via Keycloak and not via LDAP, they have a different username. Due to this reaso concider to use LDAP to guaranty that the username is valid.