949 B


CyMaIS uses Sphinx to automatically generate its documentation and leverages the Awesome Sphinx Theme for a sleek and responsive design. Enjoy a seamless, visually engaging experience 🚀.

For Users

You can access the documentation here 🔗. Browse the latest updates and guides to get started.

For Administrators


On Localhost

To generate the documentation locally, run the following command:

pkgmgr shell cymais -c "make refresh"

This command cleans the previous build and generates the updated documentation. Once complete, you can view it at the output location (e.g., templates/html/index.html) 👀💻.

On Server


To debug and produce an .log execute:

pkgmgr shell cymais -c "make refresh SPHINXOPTS='-v -c .' 2>&1 | tee debug.log"