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Docker-Postgres Ansible Role


This Ansible role is designed to deploy a PostgreSQL database using Docker. It includes tasks for setting up a Docker network, installing PostgreSQL in a Docker container, and initializing the database with a specified user and database.

Role Variables

  • central_postgres_password: The password for the PostgreSQL superuser (postgres).
  • database_name: Name of the database to be created.
  • database_username: Username for the database user.
  • database_password: Password for the database user.

Role Tasks

  1. Create Docker network for PostgreSQL: Sets up a Docker network for PostgreSQL communication.
  2. Install PostgreSQL: Deploys PostgreSQL in a Docker container, attaching it to the created network and setting the superuser password.
  3. Run the docker_postgres tasks once: Ensures that the tasks are only run once to avoid redundancy.


  • Create database: Creates a new database with the specified name.
  • Create database user: Sets up a user with full privileges on the newly created database.


  1. Set the required variables in your playbook or inventory file.
  2. Include this role in your playbook.
  3. Run the playbook against the target host.


  • The PostgreSQL server is bound to on the host machine, making it accessible only from localhost.


This role was created by Kevin Veen-Birkenbach.