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Backup Directory Validator


This Ansible role pulls the directory-validator repository to a predefined location. It is used by the backup-docker-to-local and cleanup-failed-docker-backups roles to verify whether backups have been successfully created.


The role retrieves the latest version of the directory-validator from its Git repository and installs it into the designated folder (configured via the backup_directory_validator_folder variable). A fact is set to ensure that the repository is pulled only once per playbook run.


The primary purpose of this role is to validate backup directories. By fetching the directory-validator tool, it enables dependent roles to assess the integrity and success of backup operations.


  • Git Repository Pull: Automatically pulls the latest version of the directory-validator from Git.
  • Idempotent Execution: Ensures that the repository is fetched only once per playbook run.
  • Backup Verification: Serves as a validation step for other backup-related roles.
  • Configurable Destination: The target folder is customizable via the backup_directory_validator_folder variable.