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Desktop and Personal Computing

Offers a range of tools and software to enhance the personal computing experience on desktops and laptops, covering multimedia, productivity, and virtualization.


This category focuses on tools and configurations that enhance the desktop computing experience. It includes utilities to maintain system activity, and software for optimizing the desktop environment, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly interface for day-to-day computer usage.

  • PC Caffeine: Utility to keep your computer awake.
  • PC Gnome: Installation and configuration of Gnome desktop environment.


Geared towards leisure and entertainment, this section includes software for playing Blu-ray media, accessing a vast collection of music, and installing various computer games. It's designed to enrich your personal computing experience with multimedia enjoyment and gaming.


This segment caters to professional productivity needs. It encompasses a range of office-related software, from comprehensive office suites and video conferencing tools to cloud storage solutions, facilitating efficient and organized work in various office environments.


Focusing on privacy and security, the Anonymization section offers tools for secure file sharing and anonymous web browsing. It includes software solutions that prioritize user privacy, ensuring secure online activities and data protection.

Content Creation

Dedicated to creatives and content producers, this category provides tools essential for video streaming, recording, graphic design, and 3D modeling. It's tailored for those involved in digital content creation, offering the necessary software to bring creative projects to life.

Development Environment

Targets software developers with tools and environments for various programming languages and development needs.