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Base Setup

Provides essential configurations for system initialization, including hostname setting, systemd journal management, locale configurations, and swapfile handling.

Administration Tools

Includes necessary tools for effective system administration, such as Git setup, Linux admin tools, and sudo configuration.

  • Git: Basic Git version control system setup.
  • PC-Administrator-Tools: Installs basic Linux administration tools.
  • Sudo: Installs and configures sudo.


Covers automated updates and maintenance for the system and its components, including package managers and Docker containers.

  • update: Automates the process of system updates.
  • update-apt: Updates system packages using apt (for Debian-based systems).
  • update-docker: Keeps Docker containers up to date.
  • update-pacman: Updates system packages using Pacman (for Arch-based systems).
  • update-yay: Updates system packages using yay.


Deals with the installation and configuration of various hardware drivers, catering to a range of devices and needs.


Enhances system security through roles focused on security measures, swap file management, user configurations, and SSH settings.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Centers on VPN configurations, specifically for Wireguard, providing secure and efficient network connectivity.


Introduces roles for setting up system event notifications, with options for email and Telegram alerts.

Backup Solutions

Focuses on comprehensive backup strategies and cleanup procedures, encompassing data backups, remote server backups, and maintenance of backup storage efficiency.


Backups Cleanup


Encompasses miscellaneous essential tools and systems, including AUR helper, spellchecking, typesetting, and package management.

  • System-Aur-Helper: Installs and configures AUR helper (yay).
  • Hunspell: Installation of Hunspell spellchecker.
  • Latex: Installation of LaTeX typesetting system.
  • Java: Installs Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • Python Pip: Installation of Python Pip package manager.