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🔐 Wildcard Certificate Setup with Let's Encrypt

If you enabled enable_wildcard_certificate, follow these steps to manually request a wildcard certificate.

1 Run the Certbot Command 🖥️

certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --agree-tos \
--email administrator@primary_domain -d primary_domain -d "*.primary_domain"

2 Add DNS TXT Record for Validation 📜

Certbot will prompt you to add a DNS TXT record:

Please create a TXT record under the name:

with the following value:

Go to your DNS provider and create a new TXT record:

  • Host: _acme-challenge.primary_domain
  • Value: "9oVizYIYVGlZ3VtWQIKRS5UghyXiqGoUNlCtIE7LiA"
  • TTL: Set to 300 seconds (or lowest possible)

Verify the DNS record before continuing:

dig TXT _acme-challenge.primary_domain @

3 Complete the Certificate Request

Once the DNS changes have propagated, press Enter in the Certbot terminal.
If successful, Certbot will save the certificates under:

  • fullchain.pem → The certificate
  • privkey.pem → The private key