This commit is contained in:
Kevin Veen-Birkenbach 2020-09-26 17:43:49 +02:00
parent 79c7ee1bef
commit d3db71586a

View File

@ -438,32 +438,32 @@ if [ "$encrypt_system" == "y" ]
boot_txt_setenv_replace=$(echo "setenv bootargs console=ttyS1,115200 console=tty0 ip=::::$target_hostname:eth0:dhcp cryptdevice=$encrypted_partition_path:root root=$root_mapper_path rw rootwait smsc95xx.macaddr=\"\${usbethaddr}\""| sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')
info "Setup encryption..." &&
echo "pacman --noconfirm -S --needed $(get_packages "server/luks")"
echo "cp -v /home/$target_username/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/dropbear/root_key"
echo "cp -v $mkinitcpio_path $mkinitcpio_rescue_path"
echo "sed -i 's/$search_modules/$replace_modules/g' $mkinitcpio_path"
echo "sed -i 's/$search_hooks/$replace_hooks/g' $mkinitcpio_path"
echo "mkinitcpio -P"
echo "pacman --noconfirm -S --needed $(get_packages "server/luks") &&"
echo "cp -v /home/$target_username/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/dropbear/root_key &&"
echo "cp -v $mkinitcpio_path $mkinitcpio_rescue_path &&"
echo "sed -i 's/$search_modules/$replace_modules/g' $mkinitcpio_path &&"
echo "sed -i 's/$search_hooks/$replace_hooks/g' $mkinitcpio_path &&"
echo "mkinitcpio -P &&"
echo "( echo 'YES'
echo '$standart_luks_password'
echo '$standart_luks_password'
)|sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 --use-random -i 1000 $encrypted_partition_path"
echo "echo $standart_luks_password | sudo cryptsetup luksOpen $encrypted_partition_path root"
echo "mkfs.ext4 $root_mapper_path"
echo "mount $root_mapper_path /mnt"
echo "rsync --info=progress2 -axHAX / /mnt/"
echo "cp -v $fstab_path $fstab_rescue_path"
echo "echo '$root_mapper_path / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1' >> $fstab_path"
echo "echo \"$fstab_path:\" && cat \"$fstab_path\""
echo "cp -v $crypttab_path $crypttab_rescue_path"
echo "echo 'root $encrypted_partition_path none luks' >> $crypttab_path"
echo "echo \"$crypttab_path:\" && cat \"$crypttab_path\""
echo "cp -v $boot_txt_path $boot_txt_rescue_path"
echo "sed -i 's/$boot_txt_delete_line//g' $boot_txt_path" #@todo doesn't work yet
echo "sed -i 's/$boot_txt_setenv_origin/$boot_txt_setenv_replace/g' $boot_txt_path" #@todo doesn't work yet
echo "echo \"$boot_txt_path:\" && cat \"$boot_txt_path\""
echo "cd /boot/ && ./mkscr"
echo "umount $root_mapper_path"
)|sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 --use-random -i 1000 $encrypted_partition_path &&"
echo "echo $standart_luks_password | sudo cryptsetup luksOpen $encrypted_partition_path root &&"
echo "mkfs.ext4 $root_mapper_path &&"
echo "mount $root_mapper_path /mnt &&"
echo "rsync --info=progress2 -axHAX / /mnt/ &&"
echo "cp -v $fstab_path $fstab_rescue_path &&"
echo "echo '$root_mapper_path / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1' >> $fstab_path &&"
echo "echo \"Content of $fstab_path:\" && cat \"$fstab_path\" &&"
echo "cp -v $crypttab_path $crypttab_rescue_path &&"
echo "echo 'root $encrypted_partition_path none luks' >> $crypttab_path &&"
echo "echo \"Content of $crypttab_path:\" && cat \"$crypttab_path\" &&"
echo "cp -v $boot_txt_path $boot_txt_rescue_path &&"
echo "sed -i 's/$boot_txt_delete_line//g' $boot_txt_path &&" #@todo doesn't work yet
echo "sed -i 's/$boot_txt_setenv_origin/$boot_txt_setenv_replace/g' $boot_txt_path &&" #@todo doesn't work yet
echo "echo \"Content of $boot_txt_path:\" && cat \"$boot_txt_path\" &&"
echo "cd /boot/ && ./mkscr &&"
echo "umount $root_mapper_path &&"
echo "exit"
) | chroot "$root_mount_path" /bin/bash || error