This folder contains the domain logic of the application.
Classes which are optimized to be injected as a service MUST end on the suffix ** Service.php*.
A folder MUST end on the suffix ** *Management ** to show that it has the purpose to manage something.
Domain Overview
Repository Management
Layer Repository Factory Service
Offers a fabric to produce entity repositories by layer
Entity Management
Entity Meta Information
Offers some meta information about an entity
Form Management
- FormMetaInformation
Law Management
Allows to check if a right has permission by a law.
Member Management
Member Manager
Allows to add and remove members and memberships from member relations.
Path Management
Namespace Path Map
Maps a path to a namespace.
Request Management
Offers classes to manage requests for rights, users and sources. A detailed description is available.
Right Management
Right Checker
Checks if the crud, layer and source combination is granted by a right.
Right Layer Combination Service
Allows to get the possible cruds for a layer, or the possible layers for a crud.
Source Management
Source Member Information
Offers to get all source members over all dimensions.
Source Member Manager
Offers to add and remove source members and memberships.
Source Membership Information
Offers to get all memberships of a source.
Source Right Manager
Allows to add and remove rights of a source.
Tree Source Information
Allows to get branches and leaves of a tree.
Template Management
Template Path Management
Manages all informations which are needed to process templates.
User Management
User Source Director
Offers based on an user variable a user with a source.
User Source Director Service
Offers the user source director to be used as a service, based on the entity manager and security.