Commit Graph

  • 25ed71221d Optimized testing Kevin Frantz 2018-12-30 00:31:03 +0100
  • 01c6f2d8f8 Implemented RightAttributTest Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 23:27:45 +0100
  • 41c8f7cfdd Implemented TypeAttributTest Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 23:23:06 +0100
  • a968052309 In between commit optimizing law permission checker Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 23:12:28 +0100
  • e221e835d1 Renamed hasSource function Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 23:04:06 +0100
  • 4465f2016d Implemented test for instances Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 23:02:34 +0100
  • 6a27c221a8 Implemeted test for clone function Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 23:01:57 +0100
  • 0c66e7a42a Implemented Type and Layer validation for right Kevin Frantz 2018-12-29 16:38:31 +0100
  • 0aac336609 Refactored reciever Kevin Frantz 2018-12-14 10:10:28 +0100
  • 33b1151a00 Refactored LawPermissionCheckerServiceTest Kevin Frantz 2018-12-08 21:20:07 +0100
  • 7575ef5edf Optimized draft for LawPermissionChecker Kevin Frantz 2018-12-08 20:25:29 +0100
  • 8afb91c690 Merge branch 'master' of Kevin Frantz 2018-12-08 13:26:45 +0100
  • 31b6b4afc7 Optimized RightCheck for thirdt and second dimension source Kevin Frantz 2018-12-08 13:22:50 +0100
  • b85e971861 Implemented draft for right checker Kevin Frantz 2018-12-08 12:51:29 +0100
  • e97003b91d Added SourceMemberInformation Kevin Frantz 2018-12-06 20:22:27 +0100
  • 39c6980fe4 Optimized copy configuration for presentation of elk for IBM Kevin Veen-Birkenbach 2018-12-06 08:53:27 +0100
  • 61a6ea6b36 Solved UserSourceRepositoryTest Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 22:47:03 +0100
  • 3002d77b1c Solved UserSourceTest Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 22:38:20 +0100
  • 5b3f48a7be Solved AbstractSourceTest Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 22:36:08 +0100
  • 50685e17f5 solved tests of memberRelationTest Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 22:33:01 +0100
  • 68e8537ff1 Solved tests of MemberRelationAttribut Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 22:30:08 +0100
  • 67ef76b308 Solved tests for SourceMembershipInformation pass Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 22:08:32 +0100
  • b183af90e6 Solved tests for SourceMemberManager Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 21:55:54 +0100
  • b23f507da8 Optimized draft for MemberRelation Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 21:41:06 +0100
  • ce8f53780a Specified UserSourceRepositoryTests Kevin Frantz 2018-11-26 00:00:11 +0100
  • ba39321efe Solved namebug and formated code Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:47:42 +0100
  • 960af1961a Adapted test for ParentRelation Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:46:13 +0100
  • 0c5f6af4c7 mend Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:40:36 +0100
  • 7cf162bb6a Solved some naming bugs Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:38:22 +0100
  • 6be1a09b30 Formated code and optimized orm mapping Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:29:00 +0100
  • 1252f41127 Implemented orm entity tags and formated code Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:19:38 +0100
  • 884c4cfaea Continued integration of CreatorParent Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 23:12:42 +0100
  • ba3a246c0c Implemented new draft for meta relations Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 22:33:54 +0100
  • a72b9b0357 Created SourceMemberManager Kevin Frantz 2018-11-25 21:27:25 +0100
  • 6ebcb28dd0 Left todo :) Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 22:38:38 +0100
  • 1845e0cdba Optimized AbstractSource entity for members Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 22:17:03 +0100
  • 5be4b7df3c Added drafts Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 22:16:34 +0100
  • e97610893d Implemented add and remove for member Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 21:21:59 +0100
  • c927322153 Replaced attribut with correct attribut Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 20:25:58 +0100
  • 98729b6aca Removed comment to make code sniffer pass Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 18:24:03 +0100
  • 2c3480d18b Removed --skip-sync Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 18:15:18 +0100
  • cb1316a380 Implemented Members attribut and optimized membership Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 18:13:04 +0100
  • a64541a9ad Optimized membership attribute Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 17:40:36 +0100
  • ce6607fa1a Implemented SourceMembershipInformation and tests Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 16:42:51 +0100
  • ed41dd6bf8 Implemenented version attribt, repository and tests for right entity Kevin Frantz 2018-11-24 14:59:15 +0100
  • 89530fd6e0 Optimized Imprint function Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 23:22:17 +0100
  • b2642cc311 Implemented load-fixture script Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 22:43:51 +0100
  • 7dad35c9d8 Added fixture to travis Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 22:37:16 +0100
  • 15ea900d74 optimized orm structure Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 22:34:44 +0100
  • e16f2a44a8 Optimized fixtures Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 22:09:29 +0100
  • 4066634af2 Added Text source Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 21:30:25 +0100
  • 0ca2838ae2 Formated code Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 19:29:49 +0100
  • 32e2abff54 Excluded Kernel and DataFixtures from testing Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 19:23:07 +0100
  • 2c169a038f Optimiced DummyFictures Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 19:10:24 +0100
  • 77122f481e Removed container.autowiring.strict_mode from kernel Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 18:40:11 +0100
  • baca225775 Implemented slug for sources Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 18:17:00 +0100
  • 84c2de2283 Deleted LawModificator Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 17:02:02 +0100
  • 5634dad139 Deleted deprecated factories Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 16:51:46 +0100
  • 926eb0c3fb Optimized FormMeta and Tests Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 16:50:37 +0100
  • 2009f1b691 Implemented formMeta Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 16:21:26 +0100
  • b9a312cfd9 Implemented TemplateMeta and tests Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 15:23:43 +0100
  • 8a311caddc implemented sourcemeta and test Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 13:22:45 +0100
  • 0e04da8ea1 Left hint Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 10:47:50 +0100
  • ab1ea1ff06 Removed Security Facade Factory Kevin Frantz 2018-11-23 10:46:45 +0100
  • c67f77aab4 Added profile/edit Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 23:39:37 +0100
  • 1c38409acf Implemented register url Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 23:18:47 +0100
  • 7fbe8ada81 Added UrlTester draft Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 23:00:01 +0100
  • e4c962bbfa Moved collection test directory Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 21:57:24 +0100
  • d67ffb2a50 Made person identity optional for user Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 21:54:57 +0100
  • e63b265ee4 Moved collections to complex Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 20:50:05 +0100
  • e702e356a0 Added .env file Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 20:00:49 +0100
  • 26792f29f3 Replaced db connection url for .env Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 19:56:31 +0100
  • 2bca71187b Replaced slash Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 19:38:56 +0100
  • b6ae4786db Added mysql to travis Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 19:36:49 +0100
  • c54ef4d2ca Added integration test for source Kevin Frantz 2018-11-22 09:14:22 +0100
  • 11dc206575 Changed AbstractDataSoure to AbstractPrimitiveSource Kevin Frantz 2018-11-21 18:22:05 +0100
  • aaf335ce30 Changed abstractcombinationsource to abstractcomplexsource Kevin Frantz 2018-11-21 18:08:19 +0100
  • a8050328aa changed test folder data to primitive Kevin Frantz 2018-11-21 17:57:58 +0100
  • 999d17ad28 Changed combination to complex Kevin Frantz 2018-11-21 17:55:48 +0100
  • 706a439b52 Changed data to primitive folder Kevin Frantz 2018-11-21 17:16:32 +0100
  • 9a3801152f Optimized unit tests and entity implementation Kevin Frantz 2018-11-20 23:17:57 +0100
  • aab188688c Changed inhieratance type to joined Kevin Frantz 2018-11-20 22:55:20 +0100
  • 7ca10cf154 Cleared also prod environment Kevin Frantz 2018-11-20 22:27:21 +0100
  • 3b1330c40f Optimized entity mapping Kevin Frantz 2018-11-20 22:04:29 +0100
  • 0c852dbec4 Implemented fullpersonnamesource orm mapping Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 12:25:36 +0100
  • 08c4bee43f Implemented tests for personIdentitySource and solved conflicts Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 12:16:38 +0100
  • a92ac68750 Implemented new recursion in test Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 11:47:26 +0100
  • 9076505656 Formated code Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 11:41:24 +0100
  • 9137c55b17 Solved infinite recursion bug Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 11:39:06 +0100
  • 0d0fa68094 Solved Unit tests Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 11:34:38 +0100
  • 00c6ba1f9d Solved branch test Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 11:13:36 +0100
  • c5adb81d5d Implemented branch test for treesourceservice Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 10:53:48 +0100
  • b6cecd0010 Implemented first test for tree-source service Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 10:50:18 +0100
  • 56c0196326 Deleted dimension helper Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 10:37:17 +0100
  • 102d5840d7 Reseted .travis to bec7c1d9ce because of docker conflicts. Unit tests will still fail, because travis doesn't know a database yet, to test repositories Kevin Frantz 2018-11-18 10:20:44 +0100
  • 75fd2c677b Updated composer.lock Kevin Frantz 2018-11-17 15:44:35 +0100
  • 3b7dabafef Optimized .travis file to use docker Kevin Frantz 2018-11-17 15:03:20 +0100
  • a7c58ba135 Implemented tests for UserRepository and mapped data schema Kevin Frantz 2018-11-17 14:48:48 +0100
  • 5feac4d8ca Implemented database url in phpunit.xml.dist file Kevin Frantz 2018-11-17 13:38:02 +0100
  • 2808fccdc9 Formated code Kevin Frantz 2018-11-17 13:32:35 +0100