**Seed SSH Key** is a simple Bash script that generates a new RSA SSH key, copies it to a target host, and reminds you to remove any unauthorized keys. Perfect for quickly setting up secure SSH access to remote servers.
## ✨ Features
- **Generate RSA Key:** Creates a new 4096-bit RSA key with a custom comment and timestamped filename.
- **SSH Key Seeding:** Automatically seeds the generated public key to your target host using `ssh-copy-id`.
- **Security Reminders:** Provides guidance on how to manage and remove unauthorized keys.
## 🚀 Installation
Install **Seed SSH Key** using [Kevin's Package Manager](https://github.com/kevinveenbirkenbach/package-manager):
pkgmgr install seedssh
This command installs the script under the alias **seedssh**.
## ⚙️ Usage
Run the script from your terminal by specifying the target host:
seedssh <target_host>
For example:
seedssh example.com
### How It Works
1.**Key Generation:** The script generates a new RSA key (4096-bit) and saves it to your `~/.ssh` directory with a timestamped filename.
2.**Key Seeding:** It automatically uses `ssh-copy-id` to copy the public key to the specified target host.
3.**Security Notice:** The script reminds you to remove any unauthorized keys and provides an example command for managing your `authorized_keys`.
## 📜 License
This project is licensed under the [MIT License](./LICENSE).