
182 lines
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# Backups volumes of running containers
import subprocess
import os
import re
import pathlib
import pandas
from datetime import datetime
class BackupException(Exception):
"""Generic exception for backup errors."""
# OK
def execute_shell_command(command):
"""Execute a shell command and return its output."""
process = subprocess.Popen([command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = process.communicate()
if process.returncode != 0:
raise BackupException(f"Error in command: {command}\nOutput: {out}\nError: {err}\nExit code: {process.returncode}")
return [line.decode("utf-8") for line in out.splitlines()]
# OK
def get_machine_id():
"""Get the machine identifier."""
return execute_shell_command("sha256sum /etc/machine-id")[0][0:64]
# OK
def create_backup_directories(base_dir, machine_id, repository_name, backup_time):
"""Create necessary directories for backup."""
version_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, machine_id, repository_name, backup_time)
pathlib.Path(version_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return version_dir
def get_instance(container):
instance_name = re.split("(_|-)(database|db|postgres)", container)[0]
print(f"Extracted instance name: {instance_name}")
return instance_name
def backup_database(container, databases, version_dir, db_type):
"""Backup database (MariaDB or PostgreSQL) if applicable."""
print(f"Starting database backup for {container} using {db_type}...")
instance_name = get_instance(container)
# Filter the DataFrame for the given instance_name
database_entries = databases.loc[databases['instance'] == instance_name]
# Check if there are more than one entries
if len(database_entries) > 1:
raise BackupException(f"More than one entry found for instance '{instance_name}'")
# Check if there is no entry
if database_entries.empty:
raise BackupException(f"No entry found for instance '{instance_name}'")
# Get the first (and only) entry
database_entry = database_entries.iloc[0]
backup_destination_dir = os.path.join(version_dir, "sql")
pathlib.Path(backup_destination_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
backup_destination_file = os.path.join(backup_destination_dir, f"backup.sql")
if db_type == 'mariadb':
backup_command = f"docker exec {container} /usr/bin/mariadb-dump -u {database_entry['username']} -p{database_entry['password']} {database_entry['database']} > {backup_destination_file}"
elif db_type == 'postgres':
backup_command = f"PGPASSWORD={database_entry['password']} docker exec -i {container} pg_dump -U {database_entry['username']} -d {database_entry['database']} -h localhost --no-password > {backup_destination_file}"
print(f"Database backup for {container} completed.")
# OK
def backup_volume(volume_name, version_dir):
"""Backup files of a volume."""
print(f"Starting backup routine for volume: {volume_name}")
files_rsync_destination_path = os.path.join(version_dir, volume_name, "files")
pathlib.Path(files_rsync_destination_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
source_dir = f"/var/lib/docker/volumes/{volume_name}/_data/"
rsync_command = f"rsync -abP --delete --delete-excluded {source_dir} {files_rsync_destination_path}"
print(f"Backup routine for volume: {volume_name} completed.")
# OK
def has_image(container,image):
"""Check if the container is using the image"""
image_info = execute_shell_command(f"docker inspect {container} | jq -r '.[].Config.Image'")
return image in image_info[0]
# OK
def stop_containers(containers):
"""Stop a list of containers."""
for container in containers:
print(f"Stopping container {container}...")
execute_shell_command(f"docker stop {container}")
# OK
def start_containers(containers):
"""Start a list of stopped containers."""
for container in containers:
print(f"Starting container {container}...")
execute_shell_command(f"docker start {container}")
# OK
def get_container_with_image(containers,image):
for container in containers:
if has_image(container,image):
return container
return False
def is_image_whitelisted(container, images):
"""Check if the container's image is one of the whitelisted images."""
image_info = execute_shell_command(f"docker inspect {container} | jq -r '.[].Config.Image'")
container_image = image_info[0]
for image in images:
if image in container_image:
return True
return False
def is_any_image_not_whitelisted(containers, images):
"""Check if any of the containers are using images that are not whitelisted."""
return any(not is_image_whitelisted(container, images) for container in containers)
def backup_routine_for_volume(volume_name, containers, databases, version_dir, whitelisted_images):
"""Perform backup routine for a given volume."""
for container in containers:
if has_image(container, 'mariadb'):
backup_database(container, databases, version_dir, 'mariadb')
elif has_image(container, 'postgres'):
backup_database(container, databases, version_dir, 'postgres')
if is_any_image_not_whitelisted(containers, whitelisted_images):
backup_volume(volume_name, version_dir)
backup_volume(volume_name, version_dir)
def main():
print('Start backup routine...')
dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
repository_name = os.path.basename(dirname)
machine_id = get_machine_id()
backups_dir = '/Backups/'
backup_time ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
version_dir = create_backup_directories(backups_dir, machine_id, repository_name, backup_time)
print('Start volume backups...')
databases = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(dirname, "databases.csv"), sep=";")
volume_names = execute_shell_command("docker volume ls --format '{{.Name}}'")
# This whitelist is configurated for
stop_and_restart_not_needed = [
for volume_name in volume_names:
print(f'Start backup routine for volume: {volume_name}')
containers = execute_shell_command(f"docker ps --filter volume=\"{volume_name}\" --format '{{{{.Names}}}}'")
if not containers:
print('Skipped due to no running containers using this volume.')
backup_routine_for_volume(volume_name, containers, databases, version_dir, stop_and_restart_not_needed)
print('Finished volume backups.')
if __name__ == "__main__":