
Ansible Vault Basics

CyMaIS uses Ansible Vault to protect sensitive data (e.g. passwords). Use these common commands:

Edit an Encrypted File

ansible-vault edit <filename.yml> --vault-password-file <your-vault-pass-file>

Decrypt a File

ansible-vault decrypt <filename.yml> --vault-password-file <your-vault-pass-file>

Encrypt a File

ansible-vault encrypt <filename.yml> --vault-password-file <your-vault-pass-file>

Encrypt a String

ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file <your-vault-pass-file> 'example' --name 'test'

Password Generation

You can generate a secure random password and encrypt it with Ansible Vault. For example:

ansible-vault encrypt_string "$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | head -c 32)" --vault-password-file /path/to/your/vault_pass.txt | xclip -selection clipboard

This command generates a 32-character alphanumeric password, encrypts it, and copies the result to your clipboard.

Final Notes

  • Customizing Paths and Variables:
    All file paths and configuration variables are defined in group variables (e.g., group_vars/all/*.yml) and role variable files. Adjust these to suit your deployment environment.