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# General
pause_duration: "120" # Database delay to wait for the central database before continue tasks
ip4_address: "" # Change thie in inventory to the ip address of your server
backups_folder_path: "/Backups/" # Path to the backups folder
## Domain
primary_domain_tld: "localhost" # Top Level Domain of the server
primary_domain_sld: "cymais" # Second Level Domain of the server
primary_domain: "{{primary_domain_sld}}.{{primary_domain_tld}}" # Primary Domain of the server
# Administrator
administrator_username: "administrator" # Username of the administrator
administrator_email: "{{administrator_username}}@{{primary_domain}}" # Email of the administrator
#user_administrator_initial_password: EXAMPLE_PASSWORD_123456 # Example initialisation password needs to be set in inventory file
# Test Email
test_email: "test@{{primary_domain}}"
# Server Tact Variables
## Ours in which the server is "awake" (100% working). Rest of the time is reserved for maintanance
hours_server_awake: "0..23"
## Random delay for systemd timers to avoid peak loads.
randomized_delay_sec: "5min"
# Storage Space-Related Configurations
size_percent_maximum_backup: 75 # Maximum storage space in percent for backups
size_percent_cleanup_disc_space: 85 # Threshold for triggering cleanup actions
size_percent_disc_space_warning: 90 # Warning threshold in percent for free disk space
# Runtime Variables for Process Control
activate_all_timers: false # Activates all timers, independend if the handlers had been triggered
nginx_matomo_tracking: false # Activates matomo tracking on all html pages
enable_one_letsencrypt_cert_for_all: true # Activates one letsencrypt cert for all instead of one per subdomain