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README.md for Docker OpenProject Role


This role is designed to deploy the OpenProject application using Docker. It includes tasks for setting up the environment, pulling the Docker repository, and configuring a reverse proxy with Nginx.


  • Ansible
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Access to the GitHub repository "opf/openproject-deploy"

Role Variables

The role uses several variables, defined in vars/main.yml:

  • repository_directory: The directory for the OpenProject repository.
  • docker_compose_instance_directory: Directory for Docker Compose instances.


Defined in handlers/main.yml, the handler recreate openproject is used for recreating the OpenProject instance with specific environment settings.


Outlined in tasks/main.yml, the role includes tasks for:

  • Including Nginx Docker proxy domain tasks.
  • Creating the repository directory.
  • Pulling the OpenProject Docker repository.
  • Warning if the repository is not reachable.
  • Copying the .env file from a template.


env.j2 in templates/ folder is a Jinja2 template for the .env file, setting up environment variables for the OpenProject container.


This role depends on nginx-docker-reverse-proxy, as defined in meta/main.yml.


To use this role, include it in your Ansible playbook and set the necessary variables, especially those required in the .env file template.


Ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed and configured correctly on the target machine. Also, ensure that the necessary ports are open and accessible.