PC-Office Role

📌 Overview

This README document is for the pc-office role, a component of the cymais repository. This role is designed to install a suite of office-related software on personal computers, providing a comprehensive set of tools for various office tasks.

Role Tasks

The main.yml file within the pc-office role comprises tasks for installing a range of office software:

  1. Install Office Software:
    • The role utilizes the community.general.pacman module to install the following software packages:
      • chromium: A free and open-source web browser.
      • thunderbird: A free and open-source email client, news client, RSS, and chat client.
      • calibre: An e-book management software.
      • retext: A simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText.


This role depends on:

  • pc-libreoffice: Ensures that the LibreOffice suite, a comprehensive office package, is installed.
  • pc-video-conference: Provides tools necessary for video conferencing, supplementing the office setup.

Purpose and Usage

The pc-office role is ideal for users who require a full-fledged office setup on their personal computers. It encompasses tools for web browsing, email management, e-book organization, and document editing, catering to a wide range of office and productivity needs.


  • Ansible: Must be installed to use this role.
  • Arch Linux-based System: As the role uses the pacman package manager, it's intended for systems based on Arch Linux or similar distributions.

Running the Role

To utilize this role:

  1. Clone the cymais repository.
  2. Navigate to the roles/pc-office directory.
  3. Run the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the necessary permissions for software installation.


This role can be customized by adding or removing software packages in the main.yml file, depending on your specific office and productivity needs.

Support and Contributions

For support, feedback, or contributions, such as adding more office tools or enhancing the current setup, please open an issue or submit a pull request in the cymais repository. Contributions that improve the office and productivity environment are highly welcomed.