PC-QBittorrent Role

📌 Overview

This README is for the pc-qbittorrent role within the cymais repository. This role is specifically crafted for installing qBittorrent, a popular open-source torrent client, on personal computers.

Role Tasks

The main.yml file in the pc-qbittorrent role includes the following task:

  1. Install Torrent Software:
    • This task uses the kewlfft.aur.aur module with yay as the AUR helper to install qbittorrent, a widely-used, free, and easy-to-use torrent client.


This role depends on:

  • system-aur-helper: Ensures that an Arch User Repository (AUR) helper is installed, which is necessary for installing packages like qbittorrent that are not available in the standard repositories.

Purpose and Usage

The pc-qbittorrent role is tailored for users who require a reliable and user-friendly torrent client for downloading and sharing files via the BitTorrent protocol. qBittorrent is known for its balance of features, simplicity, and minimal impact on system resources.


  • Ansible: Required for running this role.
  • Arch Linux-based System: The role is designed with Arch Linux distributions in mind, leveraging AUR helpers for package installation.

Running the Role

To utilize this role:

  1. Clone the cymais repository.
  2. Navigate to the roles/pc-qbittorrent directory.
  3. Execute the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the required system permissions for package installation.


This role is primarily focused on installing qBittorrent, but it can be customized to include additional configurations or related software packages as needed.

Support and Contributions

For support, feedback, or contributions, such as enhancing the role or adding additional torrent-related functionality, please open an issue or submit a pull request in the cymais repository. Contributions that enhance the usability or features of qBittorrent within this role are highly appreciated.