
Description 🌟

This role automates the setup and configuration of Keycloak in a Docker environment. Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution. The role integrates Keycloak with PostgreSQL as a database and supports operation behind a reverse proxy like NGINX.


  • Set up Keycloak as a Docker container.
  • Use PostgreSQL as the database.
  • Customizable configuration of Keycloak environment variables.
  • Support for running behind a reverse proxy (e.g., NGINX).
  • Automatic creation and management of Docker Compose files.

Requirements 📋

  • Docker and Docker Compose must be installed on the target system.
  • A working NGINX proxy for forwarding requests to Keycloak (optional).

Tasks 🛠️

The role performs the following main tasks:

  1. Include database and proxy configuration files:

    • Integration of a PostgreSQL database.
    • Setup of a reverse proxy for the domain.
  2. Generate docker-compose.yml:

    • Automatically generate the Docker Compose file based on templates and variables.
  3. Start Docker containers:

    • The role launches the Keycloak project using Docker Compose.

More Information 📚

For more details about Keycloak, check out:

Author ✍️

Kevin Veen-Birkenbach