
Administrator User


This role creates a dedicated administrator user for local administrative tasks. The administrator account is configured to require a password when executing sudo, ensuring secure privilege escalation. For security reasons, it is recommended to use this dedicated administrator user instead of the default root account. The role also sets up SSH-related configuration by copying an authorized_keys file from inventory data.


Optimized for secure system management, this role performs the following:

  • Creates an administrator user with a home directory.
  • Configures proper permissions for the administrators home directory and associated scripts.
  • Sets up an SSH authorized_keys file from inventory data (if available), leveraging SSH best practices.
  • Grants sudo privileges to the administrator user with password authentication using a dedicated sudoers file.


The primary purpose of this role is to provide a secure and dedicated administrator account solely for running local administration tasks. This approach minimizes security risks associated with using the root account and enforces best practices in user privilege management.


  • User Creation: Establishes an administrator user with a home directory and generated SSH keys.
  • Home Directory Configuration: Sets secure permissions on the administrators home directory and script folder.
  • SSH Authorized Keys: Copies a preconfigured authorized_keys file for additional security.
  • Sudo Privileges: Deploys a dedicated sudoers configuration to grant the administrator user sudo rights with password prompt.
  • Modular Integration: Integrates with common routines and roles to further enhance system security.