PC-Gnome Role


Welcome to the pc-gnome role, a key part of the cymais repository. This role is dedicated to setting up and configuring the GNOME desktop environment on personal computers.

Role Details

The pc-gnome role includes several tasks for installing GNOME software, managing GNOME extensions, and customizing the GNOME desktop experience:

  1. Install Gnome Software:

    • Installs essential GNOME packages such as gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng, and gnome-terminal using the community.general.pacman module.
  2. GNOME Activate Extensions:

    • Enables user extensions in GNOME using the gsettings command.
  3. GNOME Set Favorite Apps:

    • Customizes the favorite applications on the GNOME shell using the gsettings command and the {{favorite_apps}} variable.
  4. Pull CLI GNOME Extension Manager Script:

    • Clones or updates the CLI GNOME Extension Manager script from a Git repository.
  5. Warn if Repo is Not Reachable:

    • Displays a warning message if the repository for the CLI GNOME Extension Manager script is not reachable.
  6. Execute CLI GNOME Extension Manager Script:

    • Runs the CLI GNOME Extension Manager script to manage GNOME extensions based on the {{gnome_extensions}} variable.

Other Resources

For additional details on managing GNOME extensions via command line, visit Ask Ubuntu.


This role depends on:

  • pc-git: Ensures Git is installed for cloning repositories.
  • pc-caffeine: A supplementary role that may include tools or configurations complementing the GNOME setup.

Purpose and Usage

The pc-gnome role is ideal for users who prefer the GNOME desktop environment and wish to automate its setup and customization. It's especially useful for setting up a new system or reconfiguring GNOME after a system update.


  • Ansible: Must be installed to use this role.
  • Arch Linux-based System: The role uses the pacman package manager, indicating it's designed for Arch Linux or similar distributions.

Running the Role

To use this role:

  1. Clone the cymais repository.
  2. Navigate to the roles/pc-gnome directory.
  3. Run the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the necessary permissions for installations and configurations.


You can customize this role by modifying the GNOME software packages, favorite apps, and GNOME extensions in the respective tasks.

Support and Contributions

For support, feedback, or contributions, such as adding more GNOME-related configurations or tools, open an issue or submit a pull request in the cymais repository. Contributions that enhance the GNOME environment setup are highly encouraged.