

This Ansible role facilitates the deployment of a MariaDB server using Docker. It is designed to ensure ease of installation and configuration, with the flexibility to adapt to different environments.


  • Dockerized MariaDB: Leverages Docker for MariaDB deployment, ensuring consistency across different environments.
  • Customizable Settings: Allows customization of the MariaDB instance through various Ansible variables.
  • Network Configuration: Includes setup of a dedicated Docker network for MariaDB.
  • Idempotent Design: Ensures that repeat runs of the playbook do not result in unwanted changes.
  • Security Focused: Implements best practices for securing the MariaDB root password.


Before using this role, ensure you have the following:

  • Ansible installed on the control machine.
  • Docker installed on the target host(s).
  • Access to the target host(s) via SSH.


Configure the role by setting the required variables. These can be set in the playbook or in a separate variable file:

  • central_mariadb_root_password: The root password for the MariaDB server.
  • database_name: The name of the initial database to create.
  • database_username: The username for the database user.
  • database_password: The password for the database user.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please submit issues and pull requests with your suggestions.

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