
Database Setup Role 🚀

This Ansible role provides the necessary tasks, files, templates, and variables to set up databases in your Docker Compose environment. It is essential for configuring your application's database, whether using a local or a central instance of MariaDB or PostgreSQL.


Usage 📋

To use this role, include it in your playbook as follows:

- hosts: all
    - your_database_role_name

When executed, the role will:

  1. Load database configuration variables.
  2. Generate the appropriate environment file for the database.
  3. Incorporate the Docker Compose routines.
  4. Create a central database if applications[application_id].database.central_storage is set to true.


Developed by Kevin Veen-Birkenbach 💻🌐

Acknowledgments & ChatGPT Conversations 🤖💬

This role was created with the assistance of ChatGPT. The following ChatGPT conversations helped shape the design and implementation of this role:

Feel free to explore these discussions for insights into design decisions and implementation details.

Happy automating! 🎉