Native Wireguard Client


This role manages WireGuard on a client system. It sets up essential services and scripts to configure and optimize WireGuard connectivity. Additionally, it provides a link to an Administration document for creating client keys.


Optimized for client configurations, this role:

  • Deploys a systemd service (set-mtu.cymais.service) and its associated script to set the MTU on specified network interfaces.
  • Uses a Jinja2 template to generate the script.
  • Ensures that the MTU is configured correctly before starting WireGuard with wg-quick.


The primary purpose of this role is to configure WireGuard on a client by setting appropriate MTU values on network interfaces. This ensures a stable and optimized VPN connection.


  • MTU Configuration: Deploys a template-based script to set the MTU on all defined internet interfaces.
  • Systemd Service Integration: Creates and manages a systemd service to execute the MTU configuration script.
  • Administration Support: For client key creation and further setup, please refer to the Administration file.
  • Modular Design: Easily integrates with other WireGuard roles or network configuration roles.

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