removed backup links and versions folder

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Veen-Birkenbach 2023-04-19 13:36:19 +02:00
parent 7cb11a2d37
commit 7361da8348
4 changed files with 47 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ deleted = True
while psutil.disk_usage(args.backups_folder_path).percent > args.maximum_backup_size_percent and deleted:
deleted = False
print("%d %% of disk %s are used. Freeing space..." % (psutil.disk_usage(args.backups_folder_path).percent,args.backups_folder_path))
for primary_directory in os.listdir(args.backups_folder_path):
primary_directory = os.path.join(args.backups_folder_path, primary_directory)
for application_directory in os.listdir(primary_directory):
application_directory = os.path.join(primary_directory, application_directory)
versions_directory = os.path.join(application_directory, "versions/")
for host_backup_directory_name in os.listdir(args.backups_folder_path):
host_backup_directory_path = os.path.join(args.backups_folder_path, host_backup_directory_name)
for application_directory in os.listdir(host_backup_directory_path):
# The directory which contains all backup versions of the application
versions_directory = os.path.join(host_backup_directory_path, application_directory)
versions = os.listdir(versions_directory)
if len(versions) >= 1:

View File

@ -1,63 +1,53 @@
# @param $1 hostname from which backup should be pulled
echo "pulling backups from: $1"
echo "pulling backups from: $1" &&
# error counter
errors=0 &&
echo "loading meta data..."
echo "loading meta data..." &&
echo "host address: $remote_host"
remote_host="backup@$1" &&
echo "host address: $remote_host" &&
remote_machine_id="$( (ssh "$remote_host" sha256sum /etc/machine-id) | head -c 64 )" || exit 1
echo "remote machine id: $remote_machine_id"
remote_machine_id="$( (ssh "$remote_host" sha256sum /etc/machine-id) | head -c 64 )" &&
echo "remote machine id: $remote_machine_id" &&
echo "backup dir: $general_backup_machine_dir"
general_backup_machine_dir="/Backups/$remote_machine_id/" &&
echo "backup dir: $general_backup_machine_dir" &&
remote_backup_types="$(ssh "$remote_host" "find $general_backup_machine_dir -maxdepth 1 -type d -execdir basename {} ;")" || exit 1
echo "backuptypes: $remote_backup_types"
remote_backup_types="$(ssh "$remote_host" "find $general_backup_machine_dir -maxdepth 1 -type d -execdir basename {} ;")" &&
echo "backup types: $remote_backup_types" || exit 1
for backup_type in $remote_backup_types; do
if [ "$backup_type" != "$remote_machine_id" ]; then
# folder which contains versions
# link name of last backup
echo "backup type: $backup_type" &&
# this folder contains the last backup
local_latest_version_dir="$general_versions_dir$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')/"
# this is the link name of the previous version
general_backup_type_dir="$general_backup_machine_dir""$backup_type/" &&
general_versions_dir="$general_backup_type_dir" &&
local_previous_version_dir="$(ls -d $general_versions_dir* | tail -1)" &&
echo "last local backup: $local_previous_version_dir" &&
#identifiy previous version
local_versions=( $(basename -a "$general_versions_dir"*/ | sort) )|| exit 1
local_last_version="${local_versions[-1]}" || exit 1
remote_backup_versions="$(ssh "$remote_host" ls -d "$general_backup_type_dir"\*)" &&
echo "remote backup versions: $remote_backup_versions" &&
# source path of the backup files:
remote_last_version_dir="$(ssh "$remote_host" readlink -f $general_latest_version_link)"
echo "last remote backup: $remote_last_version_dir"
echo "source path: $remote_source_path"
# create working folders:
mkdir -vp "$local_latest_version_dir"
remote_last_backup_dir=$(echo "$remote_backup_versions" | tail -1) &&
echo "last remote backup: $remote_last_backup_dir" &&
# delete links
rm -v "$general_latest_version_link"
rm -v "$local_previous_version_link"
remote_source_path="$remote_host:$remote_last_backup_dir/" &&
echo "source path: $remote_source_path" &&
# create links
ln -vs "$local_latest_version_dir" "$general_latest_version_link" || exit 1
ln -vs "$local_previous_version_dir" "$local_previous_version_link" || exit 1
local_backup_destination_path=$remote_last_backup_dir &&
echo "backup destination: $local_backup_destination_path" &&
# do backup:
rsync_command='rsync -abP --delete --delete-excluded --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --link-dest="'$local_previous_version_link'" "'$remote_source_path'" "'$general_latest_version_link'"'
echo "executing: $rsync_command"
echo "creating local backup destination folder..." &&
mkdir -vp "$local_backup_destination_path" &&
echo "starting backup..." &&
rsync_command='rsync -abP --delete --delete-excluded --rsync-path="sudo rsync" --link-dest="'$local_previous_version_dir'" "'$remote_source_path'" "'$local_backup_destination_path'"' &&
echo "executing: $rsync_command" &&
eval "$rsync_command" || ((errors+=1));

View File

@ -8,19 +8,22 @@ fi
# define executable commands
get_hashed_machine_id="sha256sum /etc/machine-id";
get_backup_types="find /Backups/{{hashed_machine_id.stdout}}/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -execdir basename {} ;";
hashed_machine_id="$($get_hashed_machine_id | head -c 64)"
get_backup_types="find /Backups/$hashed_machine_id/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -execdir basename {} ;";
# @todo This configuration is not scalable yet. If other backup services then docker-volume-backup are integrated, this logic needs to be optimized
get_static_last_version_dir="readlink -f /Backups/{{hashed_machine_id.stdout}}/docker-volume-backup/latest"
rsync_command="sudo rsync --server --sender -blogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu . $($get_static_last_version_dir)/"
get_version_directories="ls -d /Backups/$hashed_machine_id/docker-volume-backup/*"
last_version_directory="$($get_version_directories | tail -1)"
rsync_command="sudo rsync --server --sender -blogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu . $last_version_directory/"
# filter commands

View File

@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
group: backup
mode: '0700'
- name: register hashed_machine_id
shell: sha256sum /etc/machine-id | head -c 64
register: hashed_machine_id
- name: create /home/backup/.ssh/authorized_keys
src: "authorized_keys.j2"
@ -24,8 +20,8 @@
mode: '0644'
- name: create /home/backup/
src: ""
src: ""
dest: /home/backup/
owner: backup
group: backup