# oidc_client_secret: "{{oidc_client_secret}}" # Default use wildcard for primary domain, subdomain client specific configuration in vars files in the roles is possible
ldap_phpldapadmin_version:"2.0.0-dev"# @todo Attention: Change this as fast as released to latest
ldap_webinterface:"lam"# The webinterface which should be used. Possible: lam and phpldapadmin
oauth2_proxy_active:false# Needs to be set true in the roles which use it
oauth2_proxy_redirect_url:"https://{{domains.keycloak}}/auth/realms/{{primary_domain}}/protocol/openid-connect/auth"# The redirect URL for the OAuth2 flow. It should match the redirect URL configured in Keycloak.
# oauth2_proxy_port: >= 4180 # This ports should be defined in the roles. They are for the local mapping on the host and need to be defined in the playbook for transparancy.
oauth2_proxy_upstream_application_and_port:"application:80"# The name of the application which the server redirects to. Needs to be defined in role vars.
oauth2_proxy_allowed_roles:admin # Restrict it default to admin role. Use the vars/main.yml to open the specific role for other groups
#oauth2_proxy_cookie_secret: "{{oauth2_proxy_cookie_secret}}" # Default use wildcard for primary domain, subdomain client specific configuration in vars files in the roles is possible openssl rand -hex 16
## Peertube
## PHPMyAdmin
phpmyadmin_autologin:false# This is a high security risk. Just activate this option if you know what you're doing
## Pixelfed
pixelfed_app_name:"Pictures on {{primary_domain}}"
## Postgres
# Please set an version in your inventory file - Rolling release for postgres isn't recommended