import argparse from classes.Encryption import Encryption from classes.Cleanup import Cleanup from classes.Decryption import Decryption, AutomaticIdentificationImpossibleException from getpass import getpass import traceback from classes.Cli import Cli from classes.Paths import Paths cli = Cli() paths = Paths() cleanup = Cleanup(cli,paths) def clean_exit(): print("Cleaning up.") try: cleanup.cleanupFiles(Paths.TYPE_DECRYPTED) except: pass standard_exit() def dirty_exit(): print("ATTENTION: SECURITY RISK !!!\nPROGRAM DIDN'T CLEAN UP DECRYPTED DATA. \nDECRYPTED DATA EXISTS AND CAN BE READ BY EVERYBODY!") print("TO REMOVE DECRYPTED DATA EXECUTE:\ --mode cleanup --file-types " + Paths.TYPE_DECRYPTED) standard_exit() def standard_exit(): print("Leaving program.") exit() try: if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--mode',type=str, dest='mode',required=True,choices=['cleanup','encrypt','decrypt']) parser.add_argument('--file-types',type=str, dest='file_types',required=False,choices=[Paths.TYPE_DECRYPTED, Paths.TYPE_ENCRYPTED]) parser.add_argument('--secret-holders-amount',type=int, dest='amount_of_secret_holders',required=False,choices=Encryption.getCoSecretHoldersRange(),help="Needed for creating of encryption meta data.") parser.add_argument('--quota', type=int, dest='decryption_quota', choices=range(1,101),required=False) parser.add_argument('--master-password',type=str, dest='master_password',required=False) parser.add_argument('--decrypt-accumulated-file',type=bool, dest='decrypt_accumulated_file', default=False , action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction ,required=False, help="Decrypts the accumulated file.") parser.add_argument('--user-password',type=str, dest='user_password',required=False) parser.add_argument('--user',type=int, dest='user',choices=Encryption.getSecretHoldersRange(),required=False) parser.add_argument('--add-user-information',type=bool, dest='add_user_information', default=False, required=False, action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Add additional information to users.") parser.add_argument('--input-directory',type=str,dest='input_directory',required=False, help="The directory from which the data should be encrypted.") parser.add_argument('--create-meta-data',type=bool, dest='create_meta_data', default=False, required=False, action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="When mode is encrypt and this flag is set, the encrypted meta data is created.") args = parser.parse_args() print("Application started.") print("To leave the appplication use the key kombination: <> + <> + <>") print("Cleaning up all decrypted files.") cleanup.cleanupFiles(Paths.TYPE_DECRYPTED) print("Selected Mode: " + args.mode) if args.mode == 'cleanup': print("Cleaning up.") if args.file_types is None: if args.user is None: print("Deleting all encrypted and decrypted files.") cleanup.deleteAll() standard_exit() print("Deleting all files which aren't related to user: " + str(args.user)); cleanup.cleanupForUser(args.user) standard_exit() print("Deleting all " + args.file_types + " files.") cleanup.cleanupFiles(args.file_types) standard_exit() if args.mode == 'decrypt': decrypt = Decryption(cli,paths) if args.decrypt_accumulated_file is True: if args.master_password is None: print("Enter the master password:") master_password = getpass() else: master_password = args.master_password decrypt = Decryption(cli,paths) print("Decrypting accumulated data.") decrypt.setUserPassword(master_password) decrypt.decryptAccumulatedFile() dirty_exit() if args.user is None: try: print("Attempt to identify user.") user_id = decrypt.identifyUser() print("The user id is: " + user_id) except: print("A automatic user id identification wasn't possible.") print("Type in the user id:") user_id = input() decrypt.initializeUser(user_id) else: decrypt.initializeUser(args.user) if args.user_password is None: while True: print("Enter the user password:") decrypt.setUserPassword(getpass()) print("Decrypting User File...") try: decrypt.initializeUserDataDecryption(); break; except Exception as error: print("An error occured. Propably you typed in a wrong password :( The error is: " + str(error)) else: decrypt.setUserPassword(args.user_password) print("Decrypting User File...") try: decrypt.initializeUserDataDecryption(); except Exception as error: print("An error occured. Propably you passed a wrong password :( The error is: " + str(error)) clean_exit() print("\nContact the following persons and request their password share: \n") for contact_id in decrypt.user_data['contacts']: print("user_id: " + contact_id) for label in decrypt.user_data['contacts'][contact_id]: print(label + ": " + decrypt.user_data['contacts'][contact_id][label]) while True: print("\nReset password shares.\n") decrypt.resetDecrypterIds() try: password_shares_count = 1 while password_shares_count < decrypt.getNeededDecryptersAmount(): print(str(password_shares_count) + " password shares had been added.") print("Password shares for the the users " + str(decrypt.getDecrypterIds()) + " been added. ") print("You need to add " + str((decrypt.getNeededDecryptersAmount()-password_shares_count)) +" more password shares.") print("\nType in the user id of another decrypter:") decrypt.addDecrypterId(int(input())) password_shares_count += 1 break except Exception as error: print("The following error occured <<" + str(error) + ">> :( \n Try again :)") print("\nYour data is:\n") print("FOR PASSWORD GROUP: " + decrypt.getDecryptersGroupName()) print("FOR USER ID: " + decrypt.getUserId()) print("PASSWORD SHARE IS: " + decrypt.getPasswordShare() + "\n") while True: try: decrypt.resetPasswordShare() co_decrypter_ids = decrypt.getCoDecrypterIds() for co_decrypter_id in decrypt.getCoDecrypterIds(): print("Type in the password share for: \n") print("FOR PASSWORD GROUP: " + decrypt.getDecryptersGroupName()) print("FOR USER: " + str(co_decrypter_id)) print("PASSWORD SHARE IS: ") decrypt.addPasswordShare(co_decrypter_id, input()) print("\nTHE GROUP PASSWORD IS: " + decrypt.getGroupPassword()) print("\nDecrypting group password file.\n") decrypt.initializeGroupDataEncryption() print("THE MASTER PASSWORD IS: " + decrypt.getMasterPassword()) break; except: print("An unexpected error occured: \n" + traceback.format_exc()) print("Decrypting main data.") decrypt.decryptMainData() print("The data was decrypted to: " + paths.getDecryptedMainDataStandartFolder()) dirty_exit() if args.mode == 'encrypt': if args.master_password is None: print("Enter the master password:") master_password = getpass() else: master_password = args.master_password encrypt = Encryption(cli,paths,args.amount_of_secret_holders, args.decryption_quota, master_password) if args.add_user_information is True: for user_id in encrypt.user_mapped_data: for label in ['name','phone','email','address','notes']: print("Enter attribut <<" + label + ">> for user <<" + user_id+ ">>:" ) encrypt.addInformationToUser(user_id, label, str(input())) encrypt.compileData() if args.create_meta_data is True: print("Create and encrypt meta data.") encrypt.encryptMetaData() if args.input_directory is not None: print("Encrypt main data.") encrypt.encryptMainData(args.input_directory) dirty_exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Program interrupted by user.") clean_exit()