# Splitted Secret The purpose of this software is to splitt a secret over multiple people. Just if a defined amount of this people meet together they can encrypt the secret and have access to it. # testing ```bash python scripts/main.py --mode cleanup && python scripts/main.py --amount 3 --quota 50 --mode encrypt --add-user-information --master-password "ewrwerwerew" << END_OF_INPUTS alpha bravo 123123812908 asfdasd@asdskjd.de street in straat charlie delta 1888888 sadasfdasd@asdskjd.de street in strutt echo2 foxtrott 99999999 asfdasd@sdskjd.de street in strasdlasöd END_OF_INPUTS python scripts/main.py --mode decrypt --master-password "ewrwerwerew" && python scripts/main.py --mode decrypt --user "1" ``` # Requirements to know - Amount of People - How much people need to reunite for decrypting # Requirements to implement - Plattform independend - easy to use # setup ```bash pip install numpy ``` ## Further Information - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_command_line_arguments.htm - https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#module-argparse - https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/GoCryptFS/ - https://pynative.com/python-generate-random-string/ - https://www.studimup.de/abitur/stochastik/anzahl-der-m%C3%B6glichketen-berechnen-kombinatorik/ - https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.base_repr.html?highlight=base_repr#numpy.base_repr