# Raspberry Pi sdc tools
This repository contains some shell scripts to install Arch Linux for the Raspberry Pi on a SD-Card and to backup a SD-Card.
## Todo
- Implement hostname setting
- Implement password change
- Implement ssh configuration
- Implement wifi automation
## Setup
### SD-Card
#### Guided
To install a Linux distribution manually on a SD card type in:
bash ./sd_setup.sh
#### Piped
To pase the configuration to the program use this syntax:
echo "$USER" # | The username
echo "mmcblk1" # | The device
echo "4" # | The raspberry pi number
echo "retropie" # | The operation system
echo "n" # | Force image download
echo "n" # | Transfer image
#echo "n" # ├── Overwrite device before copying
echo "user_password" # | The user password
echo "root_password" # | The root password
echo "y" # | Copy wifi configurations to target system
)| sudo bash ./sd_setup.sh
### System
#### Arch
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm
install -m640 /etc/netctl/examples/wireless-wpa domo-de-kosmopolitoj-wpa
nano domo-de-kosmopolitoj-wpa
netctl start domo-de-kosmopolitoj-wpa
netctl enable domo-de-kosmopolitoj-wpa
#### Ubuntu\\Debian
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
## Backup
To backup a SD card type in:
bash ./sd_backup.sh
## License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.