#!/bin/bash # @author Kevin Veen-Birkenbach # shellcheck disable=SC2015 # Deactivating bool hint # shellcheck source=/dev/null # Deactivate SC1090 # shellcheck disable=SC2005 # Deactivate wrong shellcheck interpretation # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Deactivating escaping warning, because it's wrong concerning pacman_packages source "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")/../base.sh" || (echo "Loading base.sh failed." && exit 1) get_packages(){ for package_collection in "$@" do echo "$(sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$PACKAGE_PATH""$package_collection.txt" | tr '\n' ' ')" || error "Loading package wasn't possible." done } install_yay_packages_if_needed(){ info "Checking yay packages [ $1 ]..." for package in $1; do if [ "$(pacman -Qi "$package" 2> /dev/null)" ]; then info "Package \"$package\" is allready installed. Skipped installation." else info "Install package \"$package\" with yay..." && yay -S "$package" || error "Failed to install package \"$package\"." fi done } info "Start setup of customized core software..." info "Copying templates to home folder..." && cp -rfv "$TEMPLATE_PATH/." "$HOME" || error "Copy templates failed." info "Update packages..." && sudo pacman -Syyu || error "Package syncronisation failed." pacman_packages="$(get_packages "general" "client/pacman/general")" info "Synchronizing pacman packages [$pacman_packages]..." && sudo pacman -S --needed $pacman_packages || error "Syncronisation failed." info "Synchronizing yay packages..." && install_yay_packages_if_needed "$(get_packages "client/yay/general")"; FSTAB_SWAP_ENTRY="/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" SWAP_FILE="/swapfile" FSTAB_FILE="/etc/fstab" if grep -q "$FSTAB_SWAP_ENTRY" "$FSTAB_FILE"; then info "Skipping creation of swap partion because entry allready exists in \"$FSTAB_FILE\"!" else info "Creating swap partition..." && sudo fallocate -l 16G "$SWAP_FILE" && sudo chmod 600 "$SWAP_FILE" && sudo mkswap "$SWAP_FILE" && sudo swapon "$SWAP_FILE" && sudo sh -c "echo \"$FSTAB_SWAP_ENTRY\">>\"$FSTAB_FILE\"" || error "Creation of swap partition failed." fi info "Setup SSH key..." ssh_key_path="$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" if [ ! -f "$ssh_key_path" ]; then info "SSH key $ssh_key_path doesn't exists!" if [ ! -f "./data$ssh_key_path" ]; then info "Importing ssh key by copying data..." && bash "$SCRIPT_PATH""/data/export-to-system.sh" || error "Copying failed." else info "Generating ssh key..." && ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$USER@$HOSTNAME" || error "Key generation failed." fi fi info "Installing nonfree drivers..." && sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300 || error "Failed." info "Setup, configuration and installation of dependencies for installed software..." if pacman -Qi "arduino" > /dev/null ; then info "Configurate system for arduino..." && sudo usermod -a -G uucp "$USER" && sudo usermod -a -G lock "$USER" || error "Couldn't add \"$USER\" to the relevant groups." fi if pacman -Qi "atom" > /dev/null ; then info "Installing atom dependencies..." info "Installing \"apm\" packages..." && get_packages "client/apm/general" | apm install --verbose -c - || error "Failed." info "Installing \"npm\" packages..." && sudo npm i -g bash-language-server && info "Installing \"python\" packages..." && python -m pip install 'python-language-server[all]' && info "Installing atom dependencies was successfull."|| error " Installing atom dependencies failed." fi if pacman -Qi "docker" > /dev/null ; then info "Setting up docker..." && info "Add current user \"$USER\" to user group docker..." && sudo usermod -a -G docker "$USER" || error "Failed to add user." info "Restarting docker service..." && sudo systemctl restart docker && info "Disable and stop docker service..." && sudo systemctl disable --now docker || error "\"systemctl\" produced an error." info "For performance reasons docker is not enabled. Start docker by executing \"sudo systemctl restart docker\" when you need it." fi if [ ! "$(pacman -Qi "virtualbox")" ] ; then info "Setting up virtualbox..." && pamac install virtualbox "$(pacman -Qsq "^linux" | grep "^linux[0-9]*[-rt]*$" | awk '{print $1"-virtualbox-host-modules"}' ORS=' ')" && sudo vboxreload && pamac build virtualbox-ext-oracle && sudo gpasswd -a "$USER" vboxusers || error "Failed." info "Keep in mind to install the guest additions in the virtualized system. See https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=VirtualBox" fi if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" == "x11" ]; then info "Synchronizing xserver tools..." && sudo pacman --needed -S xbindkeys && xbindkeys --poll-rc || error "Failed." fi install_gnome_extension(){ info "Install GNOME extension \"$1\"..." extension_folder="$HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/$1/" if [ -d "$extension_folder" ]; then if [ -d "$extension_folder"".git" ]; then warning "Found a .git repository didn't expect to find this here." && info "Pulling changes from git..." && (cd "$extension_folder" && git pull) || error "Failed." else info "No git repository. Extension will not be updated." fi else info "Install..." && git clone "$2" "$extension_folder" || error "Failed." fi if [ -f "$extension_folder""Makefile" ]; then tmp_extension_folder="/tmp/$1" mv "$extension_folder" "$tmp_extension_folder" info "Compilling extension.." (cd "$tmp_extension_folder" && make install) || error "Compilation with failed." info "Cleaning up tmp-extension folder..."&& rm -fr "$tmp_extension_folder" || error "Failed." else info "No Makefile found. Skipping compilation..." fi info "Activating GNOME extension \"$1\"..." && gnome-extensions enable "$1" || error "Failed." } if [ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" == "gnome" ]; then info "Synchronizing gnome tools..." && sudo pacman --needed -S gnome-shell-extensions gnome-terminal && info "Setting up gnome dash favourites..." && gsettings set org.gnome.shell favorite-apps "['org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop', 'org.gnome.Terminal.desktop', 'org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop', 'firefox.desktop', 'chromium.desktop', 'atom.desktop', 'arduino.desktop', 'eclipse.desktop', 'vlc.desktop', 'gimp.desktop', 'blender.desktop', 'rhythmbox.desktop', 'org.gnome.Screenshot.desktop']" || error "Failed." info "Install GNOME extensions..." && install_gnome_extension "nasa_apod@elinvention.ovh" "https://github.com/Elinvention/gnome-shell-extension-nasa-apod.git" install_gnome_extension "dash-to-panel@jderose9.github.com" "https://github.com/home-sweet-gnome/dash-to-panel" info "Deactivating \"Dash to Dock\"..." && gnome-extensions disable dash-to-dock@micxgx.gmail.com || error "Failed." fi info "Testing if computer has more then 4GB of memory to process games..." && if [ "$(echo "( $(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') / (1024 ^ 2) ) > 4" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then pacman_game_packages="$(get_packages "client/pacman/games")" yay_game_packages="$(get_packages "client/yay/games")" success "Ok" && info "Installing games..." && info "Installing yay packages [ $yay_game_packages ]..." && install_yay_packages_if_needed "$yay_game_packages" && info "Installing pacman packages [ $pacman_game_packages ]..." && sudo pacman -S --needed "$(get_packages "client/pacman/games")" || error "Syncronisation failed."; else warning "Not enough ressources." && info "Skipping game installation"; fi info "Removing all software from user startup..." autostart_folder="$HOME/.config/autostart/" if [ "$(ls -A "$autostart_folder")" ] then (rm "$autostart_folder"* && info "Startups had been removed.") || error "Removing startup software failed." else info "No startup entries found. Skipped removing." fi info "Please restart the computer, so that all updates get applied." success "Setup finished successfully :)" && exit 0