#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2010 # ls | grep allowed # shellcheck source=/dev/null # Deactivate SC1090 source "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")/../base.sh" || (echo "Loading base.sh failed." && exit 1) info "Setupscript for images started..." destructor(){ info "Cleaning up..." sed -i 's/^#CHROOT //g' "$root_mount_path""etc/ld.so.preload" umount -v "$chroot_dev_pts_mount_path" || warning "Umounting $chroot_dev_pts_mount_path failed!" umount -v "$chroot_dev_mount_path" || warning "Umounting $chroot_dev_mount_path failed!" umount -v "$chroot_proc_mount_path" || warning "Umounting $chroot_proc_mount_path failed!" umount -v "$chroot_sys_mount_path" || warning "Umounting $chroot_sys_mount_path failed!" umount -v "$root_mount_path""boot/" || warning "Umounting $root_mount_path""boot/ failed!" umount -v "$root_mount_path" || warning "Umounting $root_mount_path failed!" umount -v "$boot_mount_path" || warning "Umounting $boot_mount_path failed!" rmdir -v "$root_mount_path" || warning "Removing $root_mount_path failed!" rmdir -v "$boot_mount_path" || warning "Removing $boot_mount_path failed!" rmdir -v "$working_folder" || warning "Removing $working_folder failed!" } info "Define variables..." working_folder="/tmp/raspberry-pi-tools-$(date +%s)/"; info "Define functions..." info "Create temporary working folder in $working_folder"; mkdir -v "$working_folder" info "Checking if root..." if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ];then error "This script must be executed as root!" fi info "Configure user..." question "Please type in a valid username from which the SSH-Key should be copied:" && read -r origin_username; getent passwd "$origin_username" > /dev/null 2 || error "User $origin_username doesn't exist."; origin_user_home="/home/$origin_username/"; info "Image routine starts..." image_folder="$origin_user_home""Images/"; info "The images will be stored in \"$image_folder\"." if [ ! -d "$image_folder" ]; then info "Folder \"$image_folder\" doesn't exist. It will be created now." mkdir -v "$image_folder" fi info "Selecting sd-card..." info "Show available devices..." ls -lasi /dev/ | grep -E "sd|mm" question "Please type in the name of the correct device: /dev/" && read -r device sd_card_path="/dev/$device" if [ ! -b "$sd_card_path" ] then error "$sd_card_path is not valid device." fi if mount | grep -q "$sd_card_path" then error "Device $sd_card_path is allready mounted. Umount with \"umount $sd_card_path*\"." fi question "Select which Raspberry Pi version should be used:" && read -r version info "Selecting operating system should be used..." info "Available systems:" echo echo "1) arch" echo "2) moode" echo "3) retropie" echo question "Please type in the os:" && read -r os os_does_not_support_raspberry_version_error () { error "$os for Raspberry Pi Version $version is not supported!"; } case "$os" in "arch") base_download_url="http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/"; case "$version" in "1") imagename="ArchLinuxARM-rpi-latest.tar.gz" ;; "2" | "3") imagename="ArchLinuxARM-rpi-2-latest.tar.gz" ;; "4") imagename="ArchLinuxARM-rpi-4-latest.tar.gz" ;; *) os_does_not_support_raspberry_version_error ;; esac ;; "moode") image_checksum="185cbc9a4994534bb7a4bc2744c78197" base_download_url="https://github.com/moode-player/moode/releases/download/r651prod/" imagename="moode-r651-iso.zip"; ;; "retropie") base_download_url="https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/releases/download/4.6/"; case "$version" in "1") image_checksum="98b4205ad0248d378c6776e20c54e487" imagename="retropie-buster-4.6-rpi1_zero.img.gz" ;; "2" | "3") image_checksum="2e082ef5fc2d7cf7d910494cf0f7185b" imagename="retropie-buster-4.6-rpi2_rpi3.img.gz" ;; "4") image_checksum="9154d998cba5219ddf23de46d8845f6c" imagename="retropie-buster-4.6-rpi4.img.gz" ;; *) os_does_not_support_raspberry_version_error ;; esac ;; *) error "The operation system \"$os\" is not supported yet!" ;; esac info "Generating os-image..." download_url="$base_download_url$imagename" image_path="$image_folder$imagename" question "Should the image download be forced?(y/n)" && read -r force_image_download if [ "$force_image_download" = "y" ] then if [ -f "$image_path" ] then info "Removing image $image_path." rm "$image_path" || error "Removing image \"$image_path\" failed." else info "Forcing download wasn't neccessary. File $image_path doesn't exist." fi fi info "Start Download procedure..." if [ -f "$image_path" ] then info "Image exist local. Download skipped." else info "Image \"$imagename\" doesn't exist under local path \"$image_path\"." info "Image \"$imagename\" gets downloaded from \"$download_url\"..." wget "$download_url" -P "$image_folder" || error "Download from \"$download_url\" failed." fi info "Verifying image..." if [[ -v image_checksum ]] then echo "$image_checksum $image_path"| md5sum -c -|| error "Verification failed. HINT: Force the download of the image." else warning "Verification is not possible. No checksum is defined." fi info "Preparing mount paths..." boot_mount_path="$working_folder""boot/" root_mount_path="$working_folder""root/" mkdir -v "$boot_mount_path" mkdir -v "$root_mount_path" info "Defining partition paths..." if [ "${sd_card_path:5:1}" != "s" ] then partion="p" else partion="" fi boot_partition_path=$sd_card_path$partion"1" root_partition_path=$sd_card_path$partion"2" mount_partitions(){ info "Mount boot and root partition..." mount "$boot_partition_path" "$boot_mount_path" || error "Mount from $boot_partition_path to $boot_mount_path failed..." mount "$root_partition_path" "$root_mount_path" || error "Mount from $root_partition_path to $root_mount_path failed..." info "The following mounts refering this setup exist:" && mount | grep "$working_folder" } question "Should the image be transfered to $sd_card_path?(y/n)" && read -r transfer_image if [ "$transfer_image" = "y" ] then question "Should $sd_card_path be overwritten with zeros before copying?(y/n)" && read -r copy_zeros_to_device if [ "$copy_zeros_to_device" = "y" ] then info "Overwritting..." dd if=/dev/zero of="$sd_card_path" bs=1M || error "Overwritting $sd_card_path failed." else info "Skipping Overwritting..." fi info "Starting image transfer..." case "$os" in "arch") info "Execute fdisk..." ( echo "o" #Type o. This will clear out any partitions on the drive. echo "p" #Type p to list partitions. There should be no partitions left echo "n" #Type n, echo "p" #then p for primary, echo "1" #1 for the first partition on the drive, echo "" #press ENTER to accept the default first sector, echo "+100M" #then type +100M for the last sector. echo "t" #Type t, echo "c" #then c to set the first partition to type W95 FAT32 (LBA). echo "n" #Type n, echo "p" #then p for primary, echo "2" #2 for the second partition on the drive, echo "" #and then press ENTER twice to accept the default first and last sector. echo "" echo "w" #Write the partition table and exit by typing w. )| fdisk "$sd_card_path" || error "Creating partitions failed. Try to execute this script with the overwritting parameter." info "Format boot partition..." mkfs.vfat "$boot_partition_path" || error "Format boot is not possible." info "Format root partition..." mkfs.ext4 "$root_partition_path" || error "Format root is not possible." mount_partitions; info "Root files will be transfered to device..." bsdtar -xpf "$image_path" -C "$root_mount_path" sync info "Boot files will be transfered to device..." mv -v "$root_mount_path/boot/"* "$boot_mount_path" ;; "moode") unzip -p "$image_path" | sudo dd of="$sd_card_path" bs=1M conv=fsync || error "DD $image_path to $sd_card_path failed." sync ;; "retropie") gunzip -c "$image_path" | sudo dd of="$sd_card_path" bs=1M conv=fsync sync ;; *) error "Image transfer for operation system \"$os\" is not supported yet!"; ;; esac else info "Skipping image transfer..." fi info "Start regular mounting procedure..." if mount | grep -q "$boot_mount_path" && mount | grep -q "$root_mount_path" then info "Everything allready mounted. Skipping..." else mount_partitions fi info "Define target paths..." target_home_path="$root_mount_path""home/"; target_username=$(ls "$target_home_path"); target_user_home_folder_path="$target_home_path$target_username/"; info "Copy ssh key to target..." target_user_ssh_folder_path="$target_user_home_folder_path"".ssh/" target_authorized_keys="$target_user_ssh_folder_path""authorized_keys" origin_user_rsa_pub="$origin_user_home"".ssh/id_rsa.pub"; if [ -f "$origin_user_rsa_pub" ] then mkdir -v "$target_user_ssh_folder_path" cat "$origin_user_rsa_pub" > "$target_authorized_keys" target_authorized_keys_content=$(cat "$target_authorized_keys") info "$target_authorized_keys contains the following: $target_authorized_keys_content" chown -vR 1000 "$target_user_ssh_folder_path" chmod -v 700 "$target_user_ssh_folder_path" chmod -v 600 "$target_authorized_keys" else warning "The ssh key \"$origin_user_rsa_pub\" can't be copied to \"$target_authorized_keys\" because it doesn't exist." fi info "Start chroot procedures..." info "Mount chroot environments..." chroot_sys_mount_path="$root_mount_path""sys/" chroot_proc_mount_path="$root_mount_path""proc/" chroot_dev_mount_path="$root_mount_path""dev/" chroot_dev_pts_mount_path="$root_mount_path""dev/pts" mount --bind "$boot_mount_path" "$root_mount_path""/boot" || error "Mounting $chroot_dev_mount_path failed." mount --bind /dev "$chroot_dev_mount_path" || error "Mounting $chroot_dev_mount_path failed." mount --bind /sys "$chroot_sys_mount_path" || error "Mounting $chroot_sys_mount_path failed." mount --bind /proc "$chroot_proc_mount_path" || error "Mounting $chroot_proc_mount_path failed." mount --bind /dev/pts "$chroot_dev_pts_mount_path" || error "Mounting $chroot_dev_pts_mount_path failed." sed -i 's/^/#CHROOT /g' "$root_mount_path""etc/ld.so.preload" cp -v /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static "$root_mount_path""/usr/bin/" || error "Copy qemu-arm-static failed. The following packages are neccessary: qemu qemu-user-static binfmt-support." info "Changing passwords on target system..." question "Type in new password: " && read -r password_1 question "Repeat new password\"$target_username\"" && read -r password_2 if [ "$password_1" == "$password_2" ] then ( echo "( echo '$password_1' echo '$password_1' ) | passwd $target_username" echo "( echo '$password_1' echo '$password_1' ) | passwd" ) | chroot "$root_mount_path" /bin/bash || error "Password change failed." else error "Passwords didn't match." fi question "Type in the hostname:" && read -r hostname; echo "$hostname" > "$root_mount_path""etc/hostname" || error "Changing hostname failed." # question "Do you want to copy all Wifi passwords to the device?(y/n)" && read -r copy_wifi # if [ "$copy_wifi" = "y" ] # then # origin_wifi_config_path="/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/" # target_wifi_config_path="$root_mount_path$origin_wifi_config_path" # rsync -av "$origin_wifi_config_path" "$target_wifi_config_path" # fi info "The first level folder structure on $root_mount_path is:" && tree -laL 1 "$root_mount_path" info "The first level folder structure on $boot_mount_path is:" && tree -laL 1 "$boot_mount_path" destructor success "Setup successfull :)" && exit 0