#!/bin/bash info "Backupscript for memory devices started" echo info "Actual mounted devices:" echo ls -lasi /dev/ | grep -E "sd|mm" echo while [ \! -b "$ifi" ] do info "Please select the correct device." question "/dev/:" read device ifi="/dev/$device" done while [ "$path" == "" ] do echo "Bitte Backupimagepfad+Namen zu $PWD eingeben:" read -r path if [ "${path:0:1}" == "/" ] then ofi="$path.img" else ofi="$PWD/$path.img" fi done info "Input file: $ifi" info "Output file: $ofi" question "Please confirm by pushing \"Enter\". To cancel use \"Ctrl + Alt + C\"" read -r bestaetigung dd if="$ifi" of="$ofi" bs=1M status=progress