#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2015 # Deactivating bool hint # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Unused variables # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # Referenced but not assigned # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # Can't follow non-constant source. Use a directive to specify location. # shellcheck disable=SC2001 # See if you can use ${variable//search/replace} instead source "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")/../../../base.sh" || (echo "Loading base.sh failed." && exit 1) set_device_mount_partition_and_mapper_paths(){ set_device_path && mapper_name="encrypteddrive-$device" && mapper_path="/dev/mapper/$mapper_name" && mount_path="/media/$mapper_name" && partition_path="$device_path""1" && info "mapper name set to : $mapper_name" && info "mapper path set to : $mapper_path" && info "mount path set to : $mount_path" || error } # @var $1 mapper_path # @var $2 partition_path create_luks_key_and_update_cryptab(){ LUKS_KEY_DIRECTORY="/etc/luks-keys/" && info "Creating luks-key-directory..." && sudo mkdir $LUKS_KEY_DIRECTORY || warning "Directory exists: $LUKS_KEY_DIRECTORY" || error luks_key_name="$1.keyfile" && secret_key_path="$LUKS_KEY_DIRECTORY$luks_key_name" && info "Generate secret key under: $secret_key_path" || error if [ -f "$secret_key_path" ] then warning "File already exists. Overwriting!" fi sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of="$secret_key_path" bs=512 count=8 && info "Opening and closing device to verify that everything works fine..." && sudo cryptsetup -v luksClose "$1" || info "No need to luksClose $1. Device isn't open." && sudo cryptsetup -v luksOpen "$2" "$1" --key-file="$secret_key_path" && sudo cryptsetup -v luksClose "$1" && info "Reading UUID..." && uuid_line=$(sudo cryptsetup luksDump "$2" | grep "UUID") && uuid=$(echo "${uuid_line/UUID:/""}"|sed -e "s/[[:space:]]\+//g") && crypttab_path="/etc/crypttab" && crypttab_entry="$1 UUID=$uuid $secret_key_path luks" && info "Adding crypttab entry..." || error if sudo grep -q "$crypttab_entry" "$crypttab_path"; then warning "File $crypttab_path already contains the following entry:" && echo "$crypttab_entry" && info "Skipped." || error else sudo sh -c "echo '$crypttab_entry' >> $crypttab_path" || error fi info "The file $crypttab_path contains now the following:" && sudo cat $crypttab_path || error } # @var $1 mapper_name # @var $2 mount_path # # If mount doesn't work adapt it manually to # @see https://gist.github.com/MaxXor/ba1665f47d56c24018a943bb114640d7 update_fstab(){ fstab_path="/etc/fstab" fstab_entry="$1 $2 btrfs defaults 0 2" info "Adding fstab entry..." if sudo grep -q "$fstab_entry" "$fstab_path"; then warning "File $fstab_path contains allready a the following entry:" && echo "$fstab_entry" && info "Skipped." || error else sudo sh -c "echo '$fstab_entry' >> $fstab_path" || error fi info "The file $fstab_path contains now the following:" && sudo cat $fstab_path || error }