#!/bin/bash # # Offers base functions for the image management # # shellcheck disable=SC2034 #Deactivate checking of unused variables # shellcheck disable=SC2010 # ls | grep allowed # shellcheck source=/dev/null # Deactivate SC1090 # shellcheck disable=SC2015 # Deactivate bools hints source "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")/../base.sh" || (echo "Loading base.sh failed." && exit 1) # Writes the full partition name # @parameter $1 is device path # @parameter $2 is the partition number echo_partition_name(){ if [ "${device_path:5:1}" != "s" ] then echo "$device_path""p""$1" else echo "$device_path$1" fi } set_partition_paths(){ info "Setting partition paths..." root_partition_path=$(echo_partition_name "2") boot_partition_path=$(echo_partition_name "1") } # Routine to echo the full sd-card-path set_device_path(){ info "Available devices:" ls -lasi /dev/ | grep -E "sd|mm" question "Please type in the name of the device: /dev/" && read -r device device_path="/dev/$device" if [ ! -b "$device_path" ] then error "$device_path is not valid device." fi } make_mount_folders(){ info "Preparing mount paths..." && boot_mount_path="$working_folder_path""boot/" && root_mount_path="$working_folder_path""root/" && mkdir -v "$boot_mount_path" && mkdir -v "$root_mount_path" || error } make_working_folder(){ working_folder_path="/tmp/raspberry-pi-tools-$(date +%s)/" && info "Create temporary working folder in $working_folder_path" && mkdir -v "$working_folder_path" || error } mount_partitions(){ info "Mount boot and root partition..." && mount "$boot_partition_path" "$boot_mount_path" && mount "$root_partition_path" "$root_mount_path" && info "The following mounts refering this setup exist:" && mount | grep "$working_folder_path" || error } mount_binds(){ info "Mount chroot environments..." && chroot_sys_mount_path="$root_mount_path""sys/" && chroot_proc_mount_path="$root_mount_path""proc/" && chroot_dev_mount_path="$root_mount_path""dev/" && chroot_dev_pts_mount_path="$root_mount_path""dev/pts" && mount --bind "$boot_mount_path" "$root_mount_path""/boot" && mount --bind /dev "$chroot_dev_mount_path" && mount --bind /sys "$chroot_sys_mount_path" && mount --bind /proc "$chroot_proc_mount_path" && mount --bind /dev/pts "$chroot_dev_pts_mount_path" || error }