{# @todo Refactor this template #} {% extends "frames/default.html.twig" %} {% set layer = requested_action_service.getLayer()%} {% set headline = (layer|trans|capitalize) %} {% if requested_action_service.hasRequestedEntity() and requested_action_service.getRequestedEntity().hasIdentity() %} {% set headline = headline~': ' %} {% set entity = requested_action_service.getRequestedEntity().getEntity() %} {% if entity.hasSlug is defined and entity.hasSlug %} {% set headline = headline~entity.slug %} {% endif %} {% set headline = headline~'#'~entity.id %} {% endif %} {% block title %} {{ headline }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% include "element/link/_layer_create_link.html.twig" with {'layer':layer} %} {% if entity is defined%} :{% include "element/link/_layer_read_link.html.twig" with {'id':entity.getId(),'layer':layer,'slug':((entity.hasSlug() is defined and entity.hasSlug())?entity.getSlug():null)} %} {% endif %}

{% include "element/breadcrumb/_layer_breadcrumb.html.twig" %} {% if action_template_data_store_service.getAllStoredData().count() > 0 %}
{% set aria_expanded = 'true' %} {% for action in layer_action_map.getActions(layer) %} {% if action_template_data_store_service.isDataStored(action) %} {{ action_template_name_service.setActionType(action) }}
{% include [action_template_name_service.getAtomTemplateName(),'entity/_entity_'~action~'.html.twig'] %}
{% set aria_expanded = 'false' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}