#!/bin/bash # Just backups volumes of running containers # If rsync stucks consider: # @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20773118/rsync-suddenly-hanging-indefinitely-during-transfers # echo "start backup routine..." && echo "start volume backups..." && backup_time="$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" && backups_folder="/Backups/" && repository_name="$(cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")" && basename `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`)" && machine_id="$(sha256sum /etc/machine-id | head -c 64)" && backup_repository_folder="$backups_folder$machine_id/$repository_name/" || exit 1 for volume_name in $(docker volume ls --format '{{.Name}}') do echo "start backup routine for volume: $volume_name" && containers="$(docker ps --filter volume="$volume_name" --format '{{.Names}}')" && containers_array=($containers) && container=${containers_array[0]} || exit 1 if [ -z "$containers" ] then echo "skipped due to no running containers using this volume." || exit 1 else echo "stop containers:" && docker stop $containers || exit 1 for source_path in $(docker inspect --format "{{ range .Mounts }}{{ if eq .Type \"volume\"}}{{ if eq .Name \"$volume_name\"}}{{ println .Destination }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}" "$container"); do destination_path="$backup_repository_folder""latest/$volume_name" && raw_destination_path="$destination_path/raw" && prepared_destination_path="$destination_path/prepared" && log_path="$backup_repository_folder""log.txt" && backup_dir_path="$backup_repository_folder""diffs/$backup_time/$volume_name" && raw_backup_dir_path="$backup_dir_path/raw" && prepared_backup_dir_path="$backup_dir_path/prepared" || exit 1 if [ -d "$destination_path" ] then echo "backup volume: $volume_name" || exit 1 else echo "first backup volume: $volume_name" && mkdir -vp "$raw_destination_path" && mkdir -vp "$raw_backup_dir_path" && mkdir -vp "$prepared_destination_path" && mkdir -vp "$prepared_backup_dir_path" || exit 1 fi docker run --rm --volumes-from "$container" -v "$backups_folder:$backups_folder" "kevinveenbirkenbach/alpine-rsync" sh -c " rsync -abP --delete --delete-excluded --log-file=$log_path --backup-dir=$raw_backup_dir_path '$source_path/' $raw_destination_path" && echo "start containers:" && docker start $containers || exit 1 done fi echo "end backup routine for volume: $volume_name" || exit 1 done echo "finished volume backups." && echo "restart docker service..." && systemctl restart docker || exit 1 echo "finished backup routine." || exit 1