# @See https://chatgpt.com/share/6798189e-9c00-800f-923c-5ce3cfbdf405

- name: Flush all handlers immediately so that occ can be used
  meta: flush_handlers

- name: Set hide_login_form to true
  command: "docker exec -u www-data {{nextcloud_application_container_name}} /var/www/html/occ config:system:set --type boolean --value true hide_login_form"

- name: "Set auth.webauthn.enabled to false"
  command: "docker exec -u www-data {{nextcloud_application_container_name}} /var/www/html/occ config:system:set --type boolean --value false auth.webauthn.enabled"

- name: Set allow_login_connect to 1
  command: "docker exec -u www-data {{nextcloud_application_container_name}} /var/www/html/occ config:app:set sociallogin allow_login_connect --value='1'"
  # This configuration allows users to connect multiple accounts to their Nextcloud profile
  # using the sociallogin app.

- name: Set custom_providers
  command: >
    docker exec -u www-data {{nextcloud_application_container_name}} /var/www/html/occ
    config:app:set sociallogin custom_providers
  # This configuration defines custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) providers for authentication.
  # In this case, it sets up a Keycloak provider with details like URLs for authorization,
  # token retrieval, user info, and logout, as well as the client ID and secret.

- name: Set prevent_create_email_exists to 1
  command: 'docker exec -u www-data {{nextcloud_application_container_name}} /var/www/html/occ config:app:set sociallogin prevent_create_email_exists --value="1"'
  # This configuration prevents the creation of new Nextcloud users if an account with the
  # same email address already exists in the system. It helps avoid duplicate accounts.