# Docker Taiga Role 🐳📋 This Ansible role sets up and configures a Taiga project management platform using Docker. It includes tasks for setting up the database, Nginx proxy, and updating the repository with necessary files. ## Table of Contents - [Tasks](#tasks) - [Variables](#variables) - [Templates](#templates) - [Author](#author) ## Tasks The main tasks included in this role are: - Setting up the database. - Configuring Nginx as a proxy. - Updating the repository with necessary files. ## Variables Key variables used in this role include the Docker Compose project name, database type and password, and the repository address. ## Templates The role includes several Jinja2 templates to configure the environment and Docker Compose setup, including: - **docker-compose-inits.yml.j2** - **.env.j2** - **docker-compose.yml.j2** ## Author This role was created by Kevin Veen-Birkenbach. You can reach him at [kevin@veen.world](mailto:kevin@veen.world). Visit his website at [veen.world](https://www.veen.world/). ## Note This README was created with the assistance of ChatGPT. [Link to conversation](https://chatgpt.com/share/fee718ab-cfe1-46f3-b97f-8f8c896ffd11).