# Docker Listmonk Role This role deploys the Listmonk application using Docker. Listmonk is a high performance, self-hosted newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. ## Prerequisites - Docker and Docker Compose should be installed on your system. - Make sure that the required ports are available and not used by other services. ## Installation and Configuration 1. **Clone the Repository**: - Ensure you have the latest version of this playbook from the repository. 2. **Configure Variables**: - Set your desired configurations in `vars/main.yml`. This includes the path to your Docker Compose files and any other relevant variables. 3. **Run the Playbook**: - Execute the ansible playbook to set up Listmonk. 4. **Initial Database Setup**: - After the first setup, run the following command to initialize the Listmonk database: ```bash docker compose run --rm application ./listmonk --install ``` 5. **Configure Reverse Proxy** (Optional): - If you are using a reverse proxy, configure it as per your domain settings in the `nginx-docker-reverse-proxy` role. 6. **Start Services**: - Use the following command to start Listmonk services: ```bash docker-compose -p listmonk up -d --force-recreate ``` ## Upgrade ```bash docker compose run application ./listmonk --upgrade ``` ## Configuration Files - **docker-compose.yml**: Defines the Docker setup for Listmonk and its database. - **config.toml**: Contains the application settings including the database connection, admin credentials, and server settings. ## Further Information - For detailed installation instructions and configuration options, visit the [Listmonk Installation Documentation](https://listmonk.app/docs/installation/). - You can also find more information on the [Listmonk GitHub Repository](https://github.com/knadh/listmonk/). ## Dependencies - This role depends on `nginx-docker-reverse-proxy` for setting up a reverse proxy for Listmonk. ## Developed with AI This Docker Listmonk role was developed with assistance from ChatGPT, a conversational AI by OpenAI. The conversation and guidance provided by ChatGPT can be found [here](https://chat.openai.com/share/95e722f5-3bd9-4203-8755-def2eca4796e).