import argparse import subprocess import time def check_service_active(service_name): """Check if a service is active.""" result =['systemctl', 'is-active', service_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() == 'active' def service_exists(service_name): """Check if a service exists.""" result =['systemctl', 'status', service_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return result.returncode == 0 def freeze(services_to_wait_for, ignored_services): # Filter services that exist and are not in the ignored list active_services = [service for service in services_to_wait_for if service_exists(service) and service not in ignored_services] while active_services: for service in active_services: if not check_service_active(service): print(f"{service} stopped.") # Disable the service['systemctl', 'disable', service]) print(f"{service} disabled.") # Stop and disable the corresponding timer, if it exists timer_name = service + ".timer" timer_check =['systemctl', 'list-timers', '--all', timer_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if timer_name in timer_check.stdout.decode():['systemctl', 'stop', timer_name])['systemctl', 'disable', timer_name]) print(f"{timer_name} stopped and disabled.") active_services.remove(service) else: print(f"Waiting for {service} to stop...") time.sleep(5) print("All required services have stopped.") def defrost(services_to_wait_for, ignored_services): for service in services_to_wait_for: if service not in ignored_services and service_exists(service): # Enable the service['systemctl', 'enable', service]) print(f"{service} enabled.") # Start and enable the corresponding timer, if it exists timer_name = service + ".timer" timer_check =['systemctl', 'list-timers', '--all', timer_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if timer_name in timer_check.stdout.decode():['systemctl', 'start', timer_name])['systemctl', 'enable', timer_name]) print(f"{timer_name} started and enabled.") def main(services_to_wait_for, ignored_services, action): if action == 'freeze': # Code to handle freeze action freeze(services_to_wait_for, ignored_services) elif action == 'defrost': defrost(services_to_wait_for, ignored_services) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='freezes and defrost systemctl services and timers') parser.add_argument('action', choices=['freeze', 'defrost'], help='Action to perform: freeze or defrost services.') parser.add_argument('services', help='Comma-separated list of services to apply the action to') parser.add_argument('--ignore', help='Comma-separated list of services to ignore in the action', default='') args = parser.parse_args() services_to_wait_for =',') ignored_services = args.ignore.split(',') if args.ignore else [] main(services_to_wait_for, ignored_services,args.action)