# Ansible Role: caffeine_auto_start An Ansible Role that installs `caffeine-ng` on Archlinux systems and sets it to start automatically when the user logs in. ## Requirements - The target system should be Archlinux. - Ansible 2.4 or higher. - The [kewlfft.aur.aur](https://galaxy.ansible.com/kewlfft/aur) Ansible Galaxy role for managing AUR packages. ## Role Variables None. ## License AGPL 3 ## Author Kevin Veen-Birkenbach - kevin@veen.world - https://www.veen.world/ ## Background The code for this role was created in an interactive conversation with OpenAI's language model. You can view the original conversation [here](https://chat.openai.com/share/fa846dac-6068-4386-b3e7-b75f1248ec82).