--- # General application_id: "nextcloud" # Application identifier # Database database_password: "{{applications.nextcloud.credentials.database_password}}" # Database password database_type: "mariadb" # Database flavor # Networking domain: "{{domains[application_id]}}" # Public domain at which Nextcloud will be accessable http_port: "{{ ports.localhost.http[application_id] }}" # Port at which nextcloud is reachable in the local network # Localhost nextcloud_localhost_plugin_configuration_directory: "{{role_path}}/plugins/" # Folder in which the files for the plugin configuration are stored # Host ## Host Paths nextcloud_host_config_additives_directory: "{{docker_compose.directories.volumes}}cymais/" # This folder is the path to which the additive configurations will be copied nextcloud_host_include_instructions_file: "{{docker_compose.directories.volumes}}includes.php" # Path to the instruction file on the host. Responsible for loading the additional configurations # Docker ## User Configuration nextcloud_docker_user_id: 82 # UID of the www-data user nextcloud_docker_user: "www-data" # Name of the www-data user (Set here to easy change it in the future) ## Internal Paths nextcloud_docker_work_directory: "/var/www/html/" # Name of the workdir in which the application is stored nextcloud_docker_config_directory: "{{nextcloud_docker_work_directory}}config/" # Folder in which the Nextcloud configurations are stored nextcloud_docker_config_file: "{{nextcloud_docker_config_directory}}config.php" # Path to the Nextcloud configuration file nextcloud_docker_config_additives_directory: "{{nextcloud_docker_config_directory}}cymais/" # Path to the folder which contains additional configurations nextcloud_docker_include_instructions_file: "/tmp/includes.php" # Path to the temporary file which will be included to the config.php to load the additional configurations ## Execution nextcloud_docker_exec: "docker exec -u {{ nextcloud_docker_user }} {{ applications.nextcloud.container.application }}" # General execute composition nextcloud_docker_exec_occ: "{{nextcloud_docker_exec}} {{ nextcloud_docker_work_directory }}occ" # Execute docker occ command