# Docker Matomo Role This Ansible role deploys a [Matomo](https://matomo.org/) analytics platform instance using Docker. ## Requirements - Docker and Docker-Compose installed on the host machine. - Nginx installed for reverse proxy configuration. - Certbot installed for SSL certificate generation. ## Role Variables - `domain`: The domain where Matomo will be accessible. - `administrator_email`: The email used for SSL certificate registration. - `path_docker_compose_instances`: Path to store Docker Compose files. - `http_port`: The host port that Matomo will be accessible on. - `matomo_database_password`: Password for the Matomo database. ## AI Generated This script was created with the help of ChatGPT. The full conversation is [here](https://chat.openai.com/share/49e0c7e4-a2af-4a04-adad-7a735bdd85c4) available. ## Author - [Kevin Veen-Birkenbach](https://www.veen.world/)