LOCAL_DOMAIN={{domain}} # Redis # ----- REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 # PostgreSQL # ---------- DB_HOST=database DB_USER=mastodon DB_NAME=mastodon DB_PASS={{mastodon_database_password}} DB_PORT=3306 # Secrets # ------- # Make sure to use `rake secret` to generate secrets # ------- SECRET_KEY_BASE= OTP_SECRET= # Web Push # -------- # Generate with `rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key` # -------- VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY= VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY= # Sending mail # ------------ SMTP_SERVER=smtp.mailgun.org SMTP_PORT=587 SMTP_LOGIN= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS=notifications@example.com # File storage (optional) # ----------------------- S3_ENABLED=true S3_BUCKET=files.example.com AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= S3_ALIAS_HOST=files.example.com # IP and session retention # ----------------------- # Make sure to modify the scheduling of ip_cleanup_scheduler in config/sidekiq.yml # to be less than daily if you lower IP_RETENTION_PERIOD below two days (172800). # ----------------------- IP_RETENTION_PERIOD=31556952 SESSION_RETENTION_PERIOD=31556952