- name: "recieve dedicated certificate for {{ domain }}" command: >- certbot certonly --agree-tos --email {{ users.administrator.email }} --non-interactive --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ -d {{ domain }} {{ '--test-cert' if mode_test | bool else '' }} when: - not enable_wildcard_certificate | bool or not (domain.split('.') | length == (primary_domain.split('.') | length + 1) and domain.endswith(primary_domain)) # Wildcard certificate should not be used # OR: The domain is not a first-level subdomain of the primary domain - name: "recieve wildcard certificate *{{ primary_domain }} for {{domain}}" command: >- certbot certonly --agree-tos --email {{ users.administrator.email }} --non-interactive --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ -d {{ primary_domain }} -d *.{{ primary_domain }} {{ '--test-cert' if mode_test | bool else '' }} when: - enable_wildcard_certificate | bool # Wildcard certificate is enabled - domain.split('.') | length == (primary_domain.split('.') | length + 1) and domain.endswith(primary_domain) # AND: The domain is a direct first-level subdomain of the primary domain - run_once_recieve_certificate is not defined # Ensure this task runs only once for the wildcard certificate - name: "Cleanup dedicated cert for {{ domain }}" command: >- certbot delete --cert-name {{ domain }} --non-interactive when: - mode_cleanup | bool # Cleanup mode is enabled - enable_wildcard_certificate | bool # Wildcard certificate is enabled - domain.split('.') | length == (primary_domain.split('.') | length + 1) and domain.endswith(primary_domain) # AND: The domain is a direct first-level subdomain of the primary domain - domain != primary_domain # The domain is not the primary domain register: certbot_result failed_when: certbot_result.rc != 0 and ("No certificate found with name" not in certbot_result.stderr) changed_when: certbot_result.rc == 0 and ("No certificate found with name" not in certbot_result.stderr) - name: run the recieve_certificate tasks once set_fact: run_once_recieve_certificate: true when: run_once_recieve_certificate is not defined