# independent_backup-to-usb This Ansible role automates the process of performing backups to a swappable USB device. ## Features - Automatically starts the backup process when a specific USB device is plugged in. - Provides a systemd service to run the backup script at boot if the USB device is already connected. - Supports customization of the backup source path and mount point. ## Configuration The following variables can be customized in the `vars/main.yml` file: - `mount_point`: The mount point where the USB device will be mounted. - `backup_to_usb_script_path`: The path to the backup script that will be executed when the USB device is connected. ## Credits This role was created and maintained by Kevin Veen-Birkenbach. Contact: kevin@veen.world ## More Information For more details on how the `independent_backup-to-usb` role works, please refer to the Ansible documentation and the role's source code.