# PC-Developer-Tools-Python Role ## Overview This README accompanies the `pc-developer-tools-python` role, which is part of the `cymais` repository. The role is dedicated to setting up Python development tools on personal computers. ## Role Contents The `main.yml` file under the `pc-developer-tools-python` role includes the following task: 1. **Install Python Developer Tools**: - The task employs the `community.general.pacman` module to install: - `python`: The Python programming language package, essential for development in Python, one of the most popular and widely used programming languages today. ## Dependencies This role depends on: - **pc-developer-tools**: This ensures that basic developer tools, potentially including code editors, version control systems, and other utilities common in development environments, are already installed. ## Purpose and Usage The `pc-developer-tools-python` role is specifically designed for developers who work with Python. Whether you are a beginner learning Python, a data scientist using Python for analysis, or a web developer creating applications in Python, this role provides the foundational Python package necessary for such activities. ## Prerequisites - **Ansible**: Ansible must be installed on your system to run this role. - **Arch Linux-based System**: Since the role utilizes the `pacman` package manager, it is tailored for Arch Linux or similar distributions. ## Running the Role To use this role: 1. Clone the `cymais` repository to your machine. 2. Navigate to the `roles/pc-developer-tools-python` directory within the repository. 3. Execute the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the appropriate permissions to install software packages. ## Customization You can customize this role by adding more Python-related tools, libraries, or frameworks to suit your specific development needs. ## Support and Contributions For support, feedback, or contributions, such as adding additional Python development tools or enhancing the existing setup, please open an issue or submit a pull request in the `cymais` repository. Contributions that improve the Python development environment are highly encouraged.