# Docker-GitLab Ansible Role ## Overview This Ansible role is designed for setting up and managing a GitLab server running in a Docker container. It automates the process of installing GitLab, configuring its environment, and managing dependencies such as a PostgreSQL database and an Nginx reverse proxy. ## Features - **GitLab Installation**: Automatically deploys GitLab using Docker. - **External PostgreSQL Database**: Configures GitLab to use an external PostgreSQL database. - **Nginx Reverse Proxy Integration**: Includes tasks for setting up an Nginx reverse proxy for GitLab. - **Customizable Configuration**: Variables and templates allow for easy customization. ## Requirements - Docker and Docker Compose installed on the target machine. - Ansible for automation. ## Role Variables Variables are defined in `vars/main.yml`. Key variables include: - `docker_compose_instance_directory`: Directory for Docker Compose instances. - `application_id`, `database_host`, `database_name`, `database_username`, `database_password`: Database configuration variables. ## Handlers - `recreate gitlab`: Restarts GitLab using Docker Compose when changes are detected. ## Dependencies - `nginx-docker-reverse-proxy`: A role for setting up an Nginx reverse proxy for GitLab. ## Template Files - `docker-compose.yml.j2`: Jinja2 template for the Docker Compose configuration. - Additional templates for database and proxy configuration. ## Usage Include this role in your Ansible playbooks and specify the necessary variables. Run the playbook to deploy and configure GitLab in a Docker environment. For a detailed walkthrough and explanation of this role, refer to the conversation at [ChatGPT Session Transcript](https://chat.openai.com/share/1b0147bf-d4de-4790-b8ed-c332aa4e3ce3). ## Further Information - https://ralph.blog.imixs.com/2019/06/09/running-gitlab-on-docker/ ## Performance Optimation - https://techoverflow.net/2020/04/18/how-i-reduced-gitlab-memory-consumption-in-my-docker-based-setup/