# System Btrfs Auto Balancer Role 📦 This Ansible role automates the management and balancing of Btrfs file systems. It ensures that the Btrfs file system is maintained efficiently without manual intervention. ## Features ✨ - **Automatic Cloning of Repository:** Fetches the latest `auto-btrfs-balancer` repository from GitHub. - **Systemd Service Configuration:** Creates and configures a Systemd service to automatically run the balancing script. - **Systemd Timer Integration:** Integrates a Systemd timer to run the balancing service at regular intervals. - **Error Notification:** Notifies via Systemd in case of errors during the balancing process. ## Prerequisites 📋 - **Ansible:** This role requires Ansible to run. - **Systemd:** Target systems must support Systemd. - **Git:** Git must be installed to clone the repository. ## Author ✍️ This role was created by [Kevin Veen-Birkenbach](https://www.veen.world). - **Email:** kevin@veen.world - **Website:** [veen.world](https://www.veen.world) ## Contact ☎️ For questions or support, you can reach Kevin Veen-Birkenbach via [email](mailto:kevin@veen.world). ## Created with AI This README.md was created with the assistance of ChatGPT. You can view the conversation [here](https://chatgpt.com/share/dcec1b4a-c7a8-4cf8-a87a-987eb0500857).