# Jrnl Role for Ansible

## Overview
This role automates the installation of Jrnl, a simple and effective command-line journal application. It uses the `community.general.pacman` module for systems that support the Pacman package manager, ensuring that Jrnl is installed and up to date.

## Requirements
- Ansible 2.9 or higher.
- Access to Pacman package manager (commonly available on Arch Linux and derivatives).

## Role Variables
No additional role variables are needed for this role as it solely focuses on the installation of Jrnl.

## Dependencies
No external dependencies.

## Example Playbook
Including this role in your playbook is straightforward. Simply add the role to your playbook's roles section:

- hosts: all
    - pc-jrnl

## Additional Information
For more detailed information on Jrnl and its functionalities, visit [Jrnl's official documentation](https://jrnl.sh/).

## Contributing
Contributions to this role are welcome. Please adhere to standard coding conventions and best practices.

## More Information

This role was created as part of a larger playbook. For more context on this role, you can refer to the related ChatGPT conversation [here](https://chat.openai.com/share/ae168ca0-5191-4bec-96a0-ffcfabca0024).